Pro Blocked Drains is a 24 hour a day, 365 days a year, emergency drainage company providing services for blocked drains. We have a network of local drainage experts covering the UK who can help you with your drain blockage problem.

0800 6118277

Burst Water Pipe in Eastleigh

Pipes can burst at any time and come home to a burst water main is every homeowner’s nightmare. If you are lucky and catch it in time, you can minimize the damage, but more often than not, you don’t realize you have a problem until you smell dampness in the house or see water stains creeping up the wall or around the drywall joints. When you realize a water pipe has burst in the house, you need to act quickly.


1. Turn off the water supply

Every home has a stopcock valve which you will normally find located either under the kitchen sink, under the stairs, or in the downstairs toilet. In addition, there will also be an external stop tap in the driveway, garden, grass verge, or under the public footpath. Once the water has been turned off, the flow will stop.


2. Drain the system

There will still be water in the tank and pipework, so the next step is to drain the system. This is easily done by running the hot and cold taps and flushing the toilet. Once you know there is no risk of flooding, you can repair the burst water pipe.


3. Turn off the power

Water and electricity are a dangerous combination, so turning off the power is a sensible precaution to take while you are dealing with the repair. Water can travel some distance along wooden beams inside the drywall so even if the source of the leak seems to be well away from power sockets, it’s not worth taking any risk.


Before attempting any kind of repair yourself, visually check wall sockets for any sign of water and if you see wetness, leave well alone and call the professionals.


4. Call the experts

Unless you are a keen with good plumbing skills, it’s best to call the experts to help you locate and repair the problem. They have the experience, the tools, and the knowledge to repair a burst water pipe quickly, efficiently, and cost-effectively. Preventing you from creating additional problems or wasting money on tools and products you may not need.


If you have a water pipe burst in your house, you should call Pro Blocked Drains. A nationwide company with an excellent reputation and a local family-run office in Eastleigh.


Using state-of-the-art equipment, Pro Blocked Drains will locate the source of the leak and repair it quickly and efficiently to get your house back to normal. With a fast call-out response and 24/7/365 support, you are guaranteed a job well done, excellent customer service, high quality of work, and peace of mind.

Burst Water Pipe in Eastleigh

Why Does a Water Pipe Burst?


There are many reasons why you can get a burst water main, and knowing the reasons helps you take preventative measures.


1. Freezing


If you’ve ever left a styrofoam mug of water outside on a cold winter’s night, you’ll have seen how the water freezes and expands, making the side of the cup bulge and the styrofoam threaten to split.


It’s the same when water freezes in a pipe, but the rigid pipework offers no room for the water to expand and pressure builds up inside the pipes and they burst, causing damage to the surrounding area and possible flooding. To avoid this situation, we advise you to take precautions by:


  • Insulating the pipework
  • n

  • Keeping the house heated
  • n

  • Preventing cold drafts coming in from outside
  • n

  • Running the taps regularly to keep them clear of any ice build-up.
  • n

2. High Water Pressure


Pressure in the pipes can happen at any time of the year, not just in winter, and this high water pressure can also cause a water main burst. Typically, this occurs because of:


  • Clogged pipes
  • n

  • High pressure from the utility company
  • n

  • Improper adjustment of the pressure valves
  • n

If your mains water pipe has burst because of high water pressure, then you should take the following precautions.


  • Install a water pressure regulator
  • n

  • Adjust the water pressure valve
  • n

  • Replace the affected pipes
  • n

3. External Pressure


Mains water comes into your house through pipes buried underground, but external pressure on the pipes can damage them as they tend to be located much closer to the surface the closer they are to entering the house.


This makes them vulnerable to damage from heavy vehicles, landscaping work, or any DIY construction. It’s important to bear this in mind and take steps to protect the pipes from human activity.


How to Check for a Burst Water Pipe?


It’s not always obvious when you have a burst water pipe, as some leakages can come from compromised joints or small holes and water can seep out over time, gradually causing damage.


You may not even realize you have any kind of problem until you notice your water bill is much higher than normal or you see water damage on the floor, walls, or ceiling. You can take some simple steps to reduce the risk of water damage occurring by regularly checking the condition of your water system.


How to Check the Condition of Your Water System


  1. Check your meter reading by switching off all taps and appliances that use water and log the reading. Keep everything switched off for 2 hours, then read the meter again. The reading should be the same. If you see any difference between the two readings, then you know there is a leak in the mains water system.
  2. n

  3. Check your garden irrigation system is working properly by looking for any signs of visible leaks, sodden ground, dryness close to the end of the system, or dying plants. If you have an automatic system, check it switches on and off correctly before assuming you have a leak.
  4. n

  5. If your instant hot water boiler switches on when the taps are closed, check for leaky taps or dampness in the cupboard below the sink.
  6. n

  7. Regularly inspect pipe connections to taps and radiators for any water damage, leaks, mold, or dampness.
  8. n

  9. Any sign or smell of dampness in the house, or mold on walls, under carpets, and inside cupboards may often be caused by condensation, but if you are confident your house is well-ventilated and condensation is not the cause, then you may have a leaky pipe that needs to be investigated.
  10. n

  11. If you see dampness or a bulge in the ceiling, you may have a burst water pipe. Don’t try to release the water yourself as it could bring down the ceiling and cause a lot of extra damage. Call in Pro Blocked Drains who can advise you on what to do and help you resolve the problem with minimum disruption.
  12. n

  13. Book an annual CCTV drain survey with Pro Blocked Drains to check the whole water system in your home and identify any worn pipework, crack joints, or problematic blockages. You can then repair or replace it before it gets serious.
  14. n

Final Words…


Having burst water main is never a pleasant experience, but with help from Pro Blocked Drains, you can resolve your water leak quickly and prevent damage to your property.


With over 20 years of experience in providing drain unblocking services and 24/7 support throughout the whole year, this local Eastleigh drain unblocking firm will give you peace of mind, an accurate diagnosis, and excellent customer service.


Whether you have a leak now or simply want to guard against any future problems, Pro Blocked Drains offers you:


  • Fully Qualified Safe Contractor Approved Workers
  • n

  • Quick Response Time
  • n

  • Fully Insured Professionals
  • n

  • Competitive Prices
  • n

  • 24-hour blocked drain or water main system repair services
  • n

  • No Call Out Fee
  • n

  • Free Quotations
  • n

  • 5-star rating
  • n

  • Peace of Mind
  • n

Contact us today, at 0800 611 82 99 to book a survey of your drainage system or keep our number somewhere safe and ready for the day you need our help. Learn more about Blocked Drain in Weston-super-Mare.

CCTV Drain Survey in Poole

“I was talking to a friend the other day asking for help trying to find a CCTV drain survey near me. You see, I had a blocked drain and despite lifting all the covers and peering inside with a torch, I couldn’t find exactly where the blockage was occurring.


My friend didn’t even know what a CCTV drain survey was and certainly couldn’t point me in the right direction to find someone nearby who could conduct one for me. I considered what to do. It seemed my only other choice was to throw lots of chemical cleaners into the drain at various points in the system and hope for the best.


I went to the local DIY store to buy the chemicals and was just totting up the total cost and praying it would work when an assistant in the store took pity on me and gave me the number for Pro Blocked Drains. I rang the number straight away and a friendly voice on the other end of the phone took my name and address and promised to send someone out that very afternoon to check the drain blockage.

CCTV Drain Survey in Poole

Sure enough that afternoon a van pulled up outside my house and two men jumped out and started to unload their equipment. Before I had time to put on the kettle and offer them tea, they had located the source of the blockage and were ready to offer advice on how to deal with it.


They gave me a quote to clear the drain for me which I thought was very reasonable so agreed and very soon they cleared the drain blockage and my water was running freely again.


I couldn’t have been happier.” Kate C


We hear stories like this every week. Most homeowners suffer from blocked drains at some point and need help to locate the source of the problem and want to resolve the issue. It’s best to call a Poole’s professional drain unblocker. In this article, we’re going to introduce the CCTV drain survey and show how it can save you money, time, and mess.


What is a CCTV Drain Survey?


A CCTV Drain Survey is a device that helps detect drainage problems and identifies the cause of any blockage or damage to the pipes. Knowing if paper, rock, grease, oil, or cloth is causing the blockage helps you to choose the right solution to clear it.


What’s more, knowing the exact location of the blockage means you can focus straight on the problem area with the minimum amount of fuss or disruption. Obviously, this will save you time and money in resolving the drain blockage.


How Does a CCTV Drainage Survey Work?


A CCTV Drain Survey is quite simple. It comprises a high-definition camera which is used to capture and record the entire scene inside the drainage pipes; access rods to help you maneuver the camera through complex pipework; crawlers to give more mobility and help view the condition of the drain even through obstructions; and sometimes sonar which helps you get a complete insight of the condition of the drain, despite any obstructions.


The camera is placed into the drain through an access manhole and rodding cap. It is maneuvered through the drainage system. capturing images as it goes through the pipework and logging the distance it travels so that the location of the blockage can be found again from outside.


Once this information has been collected, the engineers at Pro Blocked Drains can analyze the cause and determine the best solution, all in terms of cost, ease of access, and efficiency. With their recommendations at hand, you can then decide if you wish to clear the drain blockage yourself or, my preferred option, let Pro Blocked Drains do it for you.


Do You Only Need a CCTV Drain Survey When You Have a Problem?


Drains are often getting blocked: hair accumulating in the shower tray, grease and cooking fat accidentally put down the kitchen sink, too much paper flushed down the toilet, or even those tiny blocks of lego posted down the drain by your neighbor’s toddler.


Often, you hardly notice the water draining away more slowly than usual from the kitchen sink or the level in the toilet bowl rising too high when you flush, and it’s not until you have a noticeable problem that you pay it any attention.


But just like you service your car each year or get a check-up at the dentist, booking a CCTV drain survey regularly is an excellent idea as it is able to check the condition of your whole drainage system, not just looking for blockages but also checking for leaky joints, cracks and the like, and resolving any issues before they become an inconvenient and expensive problem.


Where Can You Find a CCTV Drain Survey in Poole?


When looking to have a camera drain inspection done for your home or office in Poole, there are some things you should look for in the company you choose:


  • Fully Qualified Safe Contractor Approved Workers
  • n

  • Quick Response Time
  • n

  • Full Indemnity Insurance
  • n

  • Competitive Prices
  • n

  • 24/7 blocked drain services
  • n

  • Availability 365 days of the year
  • n

  • No Call Out Fee
  • n

  • Free Quotations
  • n

  • Friendly service
  • n

  • Guaranteed Work
  • n

  • 5-star rating
  • n

There is one company in Poole that stands heads above all the others and offers all of these features. It is called Pro Blocked Drains and is part of a national network of professional drainage specialists, with a reputation for high quality, efficient and effective drain inspection and clearance.


You can call them on 0800 611 82 99 or email them at for advice and a free no-obligation quote.


Final Words


Don’t wait until you have a problem with a blocked drain, contact Pro Blocked Drains today and make a plan to include a CCTV drain survey into your regular home maintenance schedule. Learn more about Burst Water Pipe in Eastleigh.

Drain Unblocking Services in Poole

It doesn’t matter how careful you are keeping up with home maintenance, there will be times when you come home to a blocked drain. Often, it’s a simple matter of pulling out that ball of hair that’s been accumulating in the shower drain for a few weeks, or running the hot water tap in the kitchen sink to flush away the coffee grinds you’ve forgotten to put in the compost bin instead.


But sometimes the problem is less easily solved and you need a better approach to clearing your drain blockage. It’s fair to say, you often don’t realize you have a blocked drain until it becomes serious.


If you live in Poole, you could be forgiven for mistaking that stale, sulphury smell of a blocked drain for the sea at low tide after a storm, but as it still lingers in the house once the tide has freshened the shore, you need to rethink and investigate where the problem may lie because if you ignore the smell and carry on running the taps or flushing the toilet, the next sign you have a blockage is when the drains overflow and flood your home, causing damage and sealing the smell in for weeks to come, with no amount of air freshener able to clear the air!


A drain blockage can be caused by all manner of things: roots, leaves, soil, gravel, and grass cuttings can be washed into the outside drainage system during a rainstorm, and hair, oil, grease, and even children’s toys can block sinks, showers, and toilets inside the house.


Acting quickly and using some kind of drain unblocker is essential if you are to avoid damage to your walls, floors, and even ceilings. So, if you come home to your house in Poole and find you have blocked drains, the easiest solution is to call in the professionals, but, if you have the time and inclination, you may want to try the best home drain unblocker like Pro Blocked Drains.

Drain Unblocking Services in Poole

Easy-To-Follow Tips For Unblocking Your Drain


On discovering you have a drain blockage, you will immediately want to take action and try to clear away the drain blockage yourself. There are a few easy steps you can take to do this which we will now look at.


1. Use Your Hands


When you can see the obstruction clearly, try to remove it with your fingers. Where the blockage is caused by hair or paper, etc., making a hook out of a bent metal coat hanger, or using something like a chopstick, will help you pull the debris out more easily.


Once you have cleared the drain, flush water through the system to check the flow is restored. It is always advisable to wear heavy-duty gloves to protect your hands from dirt (especially if the blockage is in the toilet system).


2. Use Boiling Water


Boiling water is effective for clearing away soap scum, mud, and if used alongside detergent, a small amount of grease or oil, and it is good practice to make a habit of flushing your drainage system with boiling water on a regular basis to help prevent blockages occurring.


However, care should be taken when using boiling water, not only to prevent the risk of scalding but also to prevent damaging your system: if you have PVC pipes, boiling water should never be used as it may loosen the joints in the pipework and create leaks.


Also, porcelain sink bowls may crack with extreme heat so you must take care to pour the water directly into the drain by using a jug or funnel to help you target the water correctly.


3. Use a Sink Plunger


All D.I.Y. stores sell cup-shaped plungers and it is worth buying one to keep under the sink. They come in two styles: the traditional plunger and a handheld pump plunger.


Both are easy to use and rely on you creating a tight seal around the edges of the suction pad to create a vacuum that will pull up the blockage once you start pumping the plunger. A good tip is to smear a little petroleum jelly around the edge of the suction pad to give a better seal.


It is important to cover the drain completely with the suction cup. Using a fast pumping action for 30 seconds may be enough to clear the blockage, but you should expect to repeat the action a couple of more times to be sure you have removed all the debris.


After using the plunger, flush the system with water to check it flows properly.


4. Use Baking Soda + Vinegar


Since the 18th century, the chemical reaction between baking powder and vinegar has been used for a variety of purposes. When mixed together they produce a strong reaction and carbon dioxide bubbles are formed.


It’s this reaction that can help remove a drain blockage by dislodging grime, grease, and other small debris, allowing you to flush them away through the drainage system. It’s as effective as proprietary chemical cleaners but is also mildly corrosive so you must take care and protect your skin from irritation by wearing gloves.


To use, first pour baking soda directly into the drain. Wait for a while to allow it to be absorbed by the grime. Then pour into the drain an equal amount of vinegar (if you don’t have vinegar in the house, lemon juice will work too). As the alkaline and acid mix, you will see it ‌fizz as the chemical reaction happens.


After about 20 minutes, the mixture will have completed its work, and you can pour boiling water into the drain to flush away the solution and allow the water to flow smoothly. If the blockage is stubborn, you can repeat the process.


5. Drain Snake


Often when too much tissue is flushed down a toilet, a blockage can occur some distance down the pipe and be difficult to reach. In these circumstances, using a drain snake will allow you to reach the blockage and bring it closer so you can remove it.


Available from D.I.Y. centers and plumbing stores, they are simple to operate either by hand twisting or attaching to a drill. You will need to remove the sewer cover to access the problem area and you should take care to wear protective gloves and a facemask as raw sewage has bacteria that could make you ill.


We recommend you also wear safety goggles to prevent any splashing of blackwater in your eyes.


If you need your toilet unblocked, it is best to call Poole’s best professional drain unblocker as they have all the equipment and expertise to do the work quickly and efficiently, and without risking your health.


Poole’s Best Drain Clearing Services Guaranteed To Work


Drain unblocking can be dirty, smelly, and time-consuming work always with a risk of making the situation worse if you don’t know what you’re doing, but if you live in Poole, you don’t have to attempt the work yourself.


Pro Blocked Drains is a well-known company serving customers all over the UK and with an office in Poole offering a 24-hour a-day service 365 days of the year. As drainage professionals, Pro Blocked Drains knows exactly how to find the problem and has all the skills and tools to resolve it quickly and efficiently.


With a fast response, fully qualified Safe-Contractor-Approved workers, no call-out fee, and excellent customer service, we guarantee satisfaction at a budget-friendly price.


So, next time you have a blocked drain in Poole call us at any time of day or night on 0800 611 82 99. Learn more about the Drain Inspection in Weston-super-Mare.

CCTV Drain Survey in Taunton

A drain blockage in your home can happen at any time. All manner of things can be responsible: from gravel and leaves through to oil, grease, hair, and even washing out tools and buckets after doing some D.I.Y.


Often you don’t realize you have a problem until you notice the water isn’t draining away properly, or worse still, you have a flood or notice water stains on the walls where the pipes have been leaking.


When this happens, most homeowners immediately try to remove the blockage either using proprietary drain cleaners, homemade cleaners or try drain jetting. Using these solutions straight away can be ‘hit and miss as it’s not always possible to see the cause or location of the blockage.


And if you don’t know what you’re dealing with the chances are you will need to trial a few different solutions before you get the right one. This costs time and money and in the meantime, your water is switched off and you still have a damp smell spreading through the house and a damp patch on the wall or ceiling.


But you don’t need to deal with the problems caused by a drain blockage in this way, by booking a CCTV Drain Survey with Pro Blocked Drains in Taunton, they will be able to identify the exact nature and location of any problem in the drainage system and use this detailed information to recommend the correct and most cost-efficient method to resolve the problem.


In this article, we’re going to introduce the CCTV drain survey and show how it can save you money, time, and mess.

CCTV Drain Survey in Taunton

What is a CCTV Drain Survey?


A CCTV Drain Survey is a method used to examine the entire drainage system inside and outside your house to detect and identify drainage problems. Knowing if paper, rock, grease, oil, or cloth is causing the blockage helps you to choose the right solution to clear it.


What’s more, by finding the exact location of the problem, you can target the right area with the minimum amount of fuss or disruption. Obviously, this will save you time and money in resolving the drain blockage. If you don’t find the blocked location then it’s best to call a Taunton’s professional drain unblocker to meet your needs.


How Does a CCTV Drainage Survey Work?


A high-definition camera is placed into the drainage system through an access manhole and is maneuvered through the pipe network with the help of access rods and crawlers. Images are captured as the survey proceeds through the system and the condition of every section is assessed.


Not only blockages are seen but also any damage to the pipe walls or joints. If there are any obstructions the survey equipment cannot pass through, sonar is used to complete the survey. Throughout the distances are logged so that the location of the blockage or damage can be found again from outside.


Once this information has been collected, the engineers at Pro Blocked Drains analyze the cause of the problem and determine the best solution. With their recommendations at hand, you can then decide if you wish to clear the drain blockage yourself or, my preferred option, let Pro Blocked Drains do it for you.


Do You Only Need a CCTV Drain Survey When You Have a Problem?


However careful you are, drains often become blocked: hair accumulates in the shower tray, grease and cooking fat gets accidentally put down the kitchen sink, or sanitary products may be flushed down the toilet, rather than placed in the bin.


It can be easy to ignore these problems and think they will not cause damage, but the day you come home to the toilet overflowing, water draining into the ceiling void, causing it to bulge, or the smell of mold coming from inside the cupboard under the sink, is the day you’ll have wished you’d taken preventative action earlier.


Just like you service your car each year or get a check-up at the dentist, booking a CCTV Drain Survey regularly is an excellent idea as it is able to check the condition of your whole drainage system, not just looking for blockages but also checking for leaky joints, cracks and the like. This means you get the opportunity to resolve any issues before they become an inconvenient and expensive problem.


Where Can You Find a CCTV Drain Survey in Taunton?


When looking to have a drain inspection done for your home or office in Taunton, there are some things you should look for in the company you choose:


  • Fully Qualified Safe Contractor
  • n

  • Quick Response Time
  • n

  • Full Indemnity Insurance
  • n

  • Competitive Prices
  • n

  • 24/7 blocked drain services
  • n

  • Availability 365 days of the year
  • n

  • No Call Out Fee
  • n

  • Free Quotations
  • n

  • Friendly service
  • n

  • Guaranteed Work
  • n

  • 5-star rating
  • n

There is one company in Taunton that stands ahead of all the others and offers all of these features. It is called Pro Blocked Drains and is part of a national network of professional drainage specialists, with a reputation for high quality, efficient and effective drain inspection and clearance.


You can call them on 0800 611 82 99 or email them at for advice and a free, no-obligation quote.


Final Words


Don’t wait until you have a problem with a blocked drain, contact Pro Blocked Drains today and make a plan to include a CCTV drain survey into your regular home maintenance schedule. Learn more about Drain Unblocking Services in Poole.

Burst Water Main In Bristol: Why You Shouldn’t Take It Lightly

As a homeowner, one of your worst nightmares is to come home to burst water main. The mess, the smell, the damage to all those memories you have collected over the years. You switch off the water to stop any further damage from happening then need to find the location of the burst mains water pipe.


Maybe the water pipe burst in the house, or maybe the damage is outside and the wastewater is flowing back inside. Either way, you need to act quickly to resolve the burst water main.

Burst Water Main In Bristol Why You Shouldn't Take It Lightly

If you live in Bristol and have a burst water main, you can simply contact Pro Blocked Drains, local professionals who will find the problem, and quickly and easily resolve the burst water main issue.


Alternatively, you may want to attempt the repair yourself, first. In this article, we will discuss how you can check a leak in the water main and when you should contact the professionals.


So let’s get started.


What Are the Main Causes of Leaks in the Water Main?


Having a water pipe burst in the house is usually preventable if you understand the main causes and how to avoid them.


1. Freezing Pipes


The temperature in Bristol is usually fairly mild with temperatures ranging between 3 deg.C and 21 deg.C., but every so often a cold spell brings freezing temperatures which may catch homeowners in Bristol by surprise.


Sub-zero temperatures cause water to freeze and expand. If the water in the pipes freezes, this expansion creates pressure inside the pipe and it bursts. To avoid this situation, you should take precautions by:


  • Insulating the pipes
  • n

  • Keeping the house heated
  • n

  • Preventing cold drafts from outside
  • n

  • Running the taps regularly
  • n

2. High Water Pressure


High water pressure can also burst water pipes. Typically, It occurs due to the water utility company needing to increase the pressure to reach homes in hilly areas or where there are tall buildings, and in Bristol, there are both.


Improper adjustment of pressure valves may also cause pipes to burst so you need to adjust the pressure to a safe limit. Some houses have a pressure-reducing valve near the main stopcock which is usually located outside.


If you don’t have one you can use a water pressure gauge which is easily attached to the pipework under the sink (as close to the main water supply as possible) and will show you the pressure your water is flowing at. It should be between 40 – 45 psi and if it’s over 60 psi then there is likely a problem.


Pressure can also build up if pipes become clogged. If you are unable to unblock them, you may need to replace the affected pipes. If you don’t know how to unblock them then find Bristol’s best professionals drain unblocker to meet your needs.


3. External Pressure


Mains water pipes are buried underground, but surface activity can damage them, especially where the protective soil above has eroded or the pipes have been laid at a shallow depth as they rise into the house.


Construction equipment, heavy traffic, and digging around the pipes can lead to damage so care should always be taken to locate the path of the mains water pipe before doing any building work on the property and its grounds to lessen any chances of problems occurring.


How to Check for Leaks in the Water Main?


Often you will only notice there is a leak in the water main when your utility bill is higher than normal, but if you ignore this early warning, you will see wastewater on the floor, ceiling, or walls as the problem increases.


To avoid this situation, regularly check the condition of the mains water system.


  1. Check outside irrigation systems for unusual green patches or visible leaks on grassy areas.
  2. n

  3. If applicable, check automatic irrigation systems to ensure the system is set to turn on and off at specific times.
  4. n

  5. If toilets are connected to the water main, check them for any leaks in the cistern and bowl.
  6. n

  7. If the recycled water is connected to the rainwater tank, make sure that the tank level is correctly set, and that it is not overflowing.
  8. n

  9. Make sure to check the meter reading. To do this, when the water is not being used, read the water meter and then, after 2 hours, read it again. If you see any difference in the two readings, then you know there is a leak in the mains water system.
  10. n

If you notice any leaks in the water main, then it is always better to contact Pro Blocked Drains in Bristol, as soon as possible as they will be able to identify the exact reason for the leak and find the location of the problem, enabling them to resolve the leak easily and quickly.


But if you decide to mend the system yourself, you can use homemade solutions.


How to Handle a Burst Water Main in Bristol


You can efficiently control burst water main, yourself, by using the following tips:


1. Locate the Leaking Pipe


When you see an increase in your water bill or unwanted water on the floor then it means the pipe is leaking. The leaking pipe may be inside the wall or above the ceiling and you may even be able to hear water spraying inside the ceiling or wall cavity.


Leaks in the pipes will dampen the drywall which will become wet at the joints between the panels and water will begin to pool at the base. If you notice that water is staining or dripping from the ceiling then the leakage is in the roof. This is the worst-case scenario as water can travel along a joist and can stain the wall or other areas.


If you can not see the stains properly then you should use a flashlight. You can even touch the walls to feel the moisture.


2. Turn Off the Water Valves


When you have a leaky pipe, the first thing to do is to turn off the mains water valve. These valves are usually located with the water tank through which the whole house gets its water supply.


By turning off this valve, you stop the water flow from the tank and the leak will stop, too. This makes it easier to repair the damaged pipes without getting wet.


3. Use a Pipe Repair Clamp


After turning off the water source, the next step is to repair the damaged pipe. To do so use a pipe repair clamp. You can easily get one from a D.I.Y. store. To apply the pipe repair clamp, make sure to follow the manufacturer’s instructions.


You can also make a pipe repair clamp at home if you do not have a sleeve clamp. All you have to do is to wrap the burst section of the water pipe with a strip of rubber. Then clamp this rubber wrap with an adjustable pipe-sleeve clamp, hose clamp, or C-clamp, whichever you have available at the time.


4. Apply Epoxy Putty


As a temporary repair, you can apply epoxy putty if the leak is near a joint. Afterward, get help from a professional plumber if you are unable to replace the damaged section yourself.


Calling Pro Blocked Drains for an assessment and quotation to repair the damaged water pipes is your best option. As highly experienced professionals, they know all the tricks of the trade and will be able to repair your burst pipes in the shortest time.


By contacting them, you can save money, time, and effort, and prevent further damage to your home and belongings.


Repairing a Burst Water Main In Bristol Guaranteed To Work


The best way to repair burst water main and be confident it will work is to call in Pro Blocked Drains professionals. With a local office in Bristol, this reputable and reliable company offers fast call-out and 24/7 support. Using state-of-the-art equipment, Pro Blocked Drains will locate the source of the leak and repair it quickly and efficiently to get your house back to normal.


We guarantee you a job well done, excellent customer service, high quality of work, and peace of mind.


Final Words…


Having a burst water main is never a pleasant experience, but with help from professionals, you can resolve your water leak quickly and prevent damage to your property. Whether you have a leak now or simply want to guard against any future problems, Pro Blocked Drains offers you:


  • Fully Qualified Safe Contractor Approved Workers
  • n

  • Quick Response Time
  • n

  • Fully Insured Professionals
  • n

  • Competitive Prices
  • n

  • 24-hour blocked drain or water main system repair services
  • n

  • No Call Out Fee
  • n

  • Free Quotations
  • n

  • 5-star rating
  • n

  • Peace of Mind
  • n

Contact us today, at 0800 611 82 99 to book a survey of your drainage system or keep our number somewhere safe and ready for the day you need our help. Learn more about CCTV Drain Survey in Taunton.

Alton Toilet Unblocking And Clearing Services

My neighbor has a six-year-old and to celebrate his turning seven, they threw a party for his classmates. The bouncy castle arrived about an hour before the first guests and soon stood towering above the garden wall, ready to wave the children in as they arrived in their droves.


The party-goers played games, bounced on the castle, ate sandwiches and jelly, and drank copious amounts of juice and sodas. Beneath the shrieks of laughter that echoed up and down the street, the sound of the toilet being flushed, non-stop, could also be heard.


It was not until later that day when all the tiny guests had left and the street had resumed its normal calm that my neighbor knocked on my door. She looked frazzled and I could see straight away she had a problem.


“The toilet’s blocked,” she said, “and I don’t know what to do.” When I followed her back to the house, I could smell the raw sewage that had back-washed from the drain and was flooding the patio as soon as I walked through the gate.


Stepping inside, we were met with the sound of the toilet flushing again and both watched in horror as the now seven-year-old walked out of the bathroom to announce the toilet was overflowing and the floor had flooded.


If things couldn’t get any worse, the dog pushed open the half-closed front door and ran straight onto the sofa, where he began rolling on the cushions to dry himself off where he had got wet from the sewage water outside. It was becoming a nightmare.


My neighbor needed the drain unblocking fast and her home to return to normal. Now I’m no expert, but it’s not the first time I’ve had to deal with a drain blockage, so I set about helping with a few tricks of my own I’ve tried in the past.


Remove the Blockage Manually


It’s not the most pleasant thing to do, but the easiest and most cost-effective method to remove a drain blockage is by hand. Wearing heavy-duty gloves to protect your hands and forearms, lift the drain cover and, with the help of a torch, locate the blockage and pull it out.


You can assist the process by bending a metal coat hanger into a hook and using it to reach deeper along the pipe. If someone has put the wrong type of paper down the toilet or simply just too much of it, removing some may make it then possible to flush the rest away.


Use a Drain Snake


A drain snake is a long flexible steel cable that is wound with a handle or attached to an electric drill for easier operation. It moves along the drain in a twisting motion, catching debris as it travels through.


When you pull the drain snake back out, it removes the debris along with it. To unblock a toilet drain, find and lift the drain cover and insert the drain snake. You may need to repeat the process a few times until the toilet water begins to flow freely again.


If you are using this method to unblock a toilet, wear long protective gloves and a face mask and take care not to let any of the dirty water splash into your face as it will be full of bacteria, which could make you ill.


Use Commercial Drain Unblocking Chemicals


You may prefer to buy a best toilet unblocker for you’r commercial drain unblocking, and there are quite a few available from larger supermarkets or D.I.Y. centers to choose from. Here are a few recommendations:


Thrift T-600 Alkaline drain cleaner is activated in just a few seconds when you add it to boiling water. It does not have any odor and is available in crystal form, so is easy to use.


Pure lye drain opener has an odorless non-acidic formula. The strength of this formula is industry level and is suitable for ‌plastic and chrome pipes.


Drano Max Drain gel is another efficient drain unblocker on the market. Its concentration is thick and helps to dissolve dirt of all kinds. If the blockage is not too stubborn, then you can use a diluted form of this unblocking gel.


Green Gobbler is suitable to remove blockages of all types. It has a strong formula and is caustic, so care should be taken when using it.


With all these drain unblockers, you should always wear heavy-duty gloves and safety goggles to avoid any injury caused by chemical burns, allergic reactions, or physical damage. If you are unsure what you are doing or have any allergies, you may prefer to call on the professionals for help instead and take no risk.


The Best Drain Clearing Service in Alton Guaranteed To Work


Drain and toilet unblocking is dirty, smelly, and time-consuming work, especially when you are unsure what to do. And there is always a risk of making the situation worse. But if you live in Alton, you don’t have to attempt the work yourself.


Pro Blocked Drains is a well-known company serving customers all over the UK and with a local office in Alton which offers a 24-hour a day service 365 days of the year. As drainage professionals, Pro Blocked Drains knows exactly how to find the problem and has all the skills and tools to resolve it quickly and efficiently.


With a fast response, fully qualified Safe-Contractor-Approved workers, no call-out fee, and excellent customer service, satisfaction is guaranteed. And all at a budget-friendly price.


So, next time you have a blocked drain in Alton, call 0800 611 82 99. We’ll be pleased to help you at any time of the day or night. Learn more about Bristols’s best Burst Water Main services.

Burst Water Main In Farnborough

There is nothing more distressing than opening the front door to your home and finding the house has flooded. The first hint you get is a foul, damp smell that is creeping along the hallway. You rush to check if the toilet is blocked.


That’s happened once before when you had kids over and an unwanted Barbie doll got stuck in the U-bend. The toilet’s intact, but the smell is getting worse and you can hear the faint sound of gushing water.


Where’s it coming from? You check every room but can’t find out where the water pipe burst in the house. Every cupboard under every sink is still intact.


Nothing. And yet the sound of water is getting louder. You need to find the stopcock. In most houses, this is under the kitchen sink which is easy to find, but it takes a while to clear out the cupboard to reach it.

Burst Water Main In Farnborough

Time is ticking away and the burst water main is still flowing. With that water now stopped, you can take your time to find the source of the leak and try to repair it.


Living in Farnborough, your luck is in as just around the corner from your home, is a firm of local professionals who will find the source of the problem, and quickly and easily resolve the burst water main issue, saving you the distress of all that mess.


But you may decide you want to attempt the repair yourself first. In this article, we will discuss how you can check a leak in the water main and when you should contact Pro Blocked Drains professionals.


So let’s get started.


What Are the Main Causes of Leaks in the Water Main?


Having a water pipe burst in the house is usually preventable if you understand the main causes and how to avoid them.


1. Freezing Pipes


Living in the UK, we’re used to changeable weather and accept we can have snow and ice through Winter and Springtime too. When temperatures reach below freezing, water freezes and expand.


This includes any water lying in un-insulated pipes. As the water expands, pressure is created inside the pipe and it will crack the joints and burst. To avoid this situation, you should take precautions by:


  • Insulating the pipes
  • n

  • Keeping the house heated
  • n

  • Preventing cold drafts from outside
  • n

  • Running the taps regularly
  • n

2. High Water Pressure


High water pressure can also burst pipes. Typically, it occurs due to the water utility company needing to increase the pressure to ensure water reaches every home, factory, or office building.


In Farnborough, this isn’t a known problem. Rather, improper adjustment of pressure valves will be the likely cause of a burst water pipe in this area. To prevent this problem from occurring, you need to adjust the pressure at your house to a safe limit.


Some houses have a pressure-reducing valve near the main stopcock, which is usually located outside. If you don’t have one, you can use a water pressure gauge which is easily attached to the pipework under the sink (as close to the main water supply as possible) and will show you the pressure your water is flowing at. It should be between 40 – 45 psi and if it’s over 60 psi, then there is likely a problem.


Pressure can also build up if pipes become clogged. If you are unable to unblock them, you may need to replace the affected pipes.


3. External Pressure


Mains water pipes are buried underground, but surface activity can damage them, especially where the protective soil above has eroded or the pipes have been laid at a shallow depth as they rise into the house.


Construction equipment, heavy traffic, and digging around the pipes can lead to damage so care should always be taken to locate the path of the mains water pipe before doing any building work on the property and its grounds to lessen any chances of problems occurring.


How to Handle a Burst Water Main in Farnborough


If you have a burst water main in your house, contact ProBlocked Drains immediately, or if you want to fix it yourself, try using the following tips:


1. Turn Off the Water Valves


When you have a leaky pipe, the first thing to do is to turn off the mains water valve. These valves are usually located with the water tank through which the whole house gets its water supply. By turning off this valve, you stop the water flow from the tank and the leak will stop, too. This makes it easier to repair the damaged pipes without getting wet.


2. Find the Leaking Pipe


Unless you can see the water gushing from the burst water main, you may have some difficulty locating the source of the problem. Signs that you have a water pipe burst in the house may be damp patches on the drywall; wet staining at the joints between the panels; water dripping from the ceiling or pooling at the skirting. This will give you an approximation of where the problem is, but you must remember water can travel along a joist so the stain may occur some distance away from the origin.


3. Use a Pipe Repair Clamp


After turning off the water source, the next step is to repair the damaged pipe. To do so use a pipe repair clamp. You can easily get one from a D.I.Y. store. To apply the pipe repair clamp, make sure to follow the manufacturer’s instructions.


You can also make a pipe repair clamp at home if you do not have a sleeve clamp. All you have to do is to wrap the burst section of the water pipe with a strip of rubber. Then clamp this rubber wrap with an adjustable pipe-sleeve clamp, hose clamp, or C-Clamp, whichever you have available at the time.


4. Apply Epoxy Putty


As a temporary repair, you can apply epoxy putty if the leak is near a joint. Afterward, get help from a professional plumber if you are unable to replace the damaged section yourself.


Repairing a Burst Water Main In Farnborough Guaranteed To Work


The best way to repair a burst water main and be confident it will work is to call in Pro Blocked Drains professionals in Farnborough. They will make an assessment and give you a no-commitment quotation to repair the damaged water pipes.


As highly experienced professionals, they have all the tools to locate the source of the problem and the expertise to fix it straight away. By contacting them, you can save money, time, and effort, and prevent further damage to your home and belongings.


With a local office in Farnborough, this reputable and reliable company offers fast call-out and 24/7 support and guarantees you a job well done, excellent customer service, high quality of work, and peace of mind.


Final Words…


Having burst water main is never a pleasant experience, but with help from professionals, you can resolve your water leak quickly and prevent damage to your property. Whether you have a leak now or simply want to guard against any future problems, Pro Blocked Drains offers you:


  • Fully Qualified Safe Contractor Approved Workers
  • n

  • Quick Response Time
  • n

  • Fully Insured Professionals
  • n

  • Competitive Prices
  • n

  • 24-hour blocked drain or water main system repair services
  • n

  • No Call Out Fee
  • n

  • Free Quotations
  • n

  • 5-star rating
  • n

  • Peace of Mind
  • n

Contact us today, at 0800 611 82 99 to book a preventative maintenance survey of your drainage system or keep our number somewhere safe and ready for the day you need our help. Learn more about Alton’s Toilet Unblocking And Clearing Services.

CCTV Drain Inspection in Bridgewater

I recently bought a new house in Bridgewater. I’d been looking for a while to find somewhere in the right location: close to the river and within easy access to the railway station. It took a while to find the right place but when I did, I couldn’t be happier.


The owner, a keen, had been meticulous in keeping the house in shape and had the same taste as me when it came to design and color choices. He’d fitted a new kitchen and updated the bathrooms, and as I trailed my hand along the freshly tiled wall, I felt lucky to have found this property and knew I just had to buy it. When I complimented him on his design taste and the quality of the tiling, the owner blushed a little before proudly telling me he’d done all the work himself, even the tiling.


Moving in was an emotional day and for the next few weeks, I floated around as if I was on cloud nine with a wide grin on my face. That is until things started to go wrong and I discovered I had a drain blockage.


Now I understand that blocked drains do happen from time to time. Hair, oil, grease, and even children’s toys can block sinks, showers, and toilets. There are many proprietary drain unblockers to choose from or even home remedies, but I didn’t want to use any chemicals so decided to try drain jetting.

CCTV Drain Inspection in Bridgewater

My new neighbor had a jet washer and agreed to help me with the drain clearance. We found the drain cover outside on the patio and inserted the jet nozzle and switched it on, sure we had found the best drain unblocker in Bridgewater. But it was not as easy as we thought it would be and despite multiple attempts to flush the drain with a high-pressure jet of water, we could not clear the blockage.


In fact, all that happened was we ended up with a blowback of water which sprayed dirty water all over the pristine patio flooring and up a painted wall causing a mess that could only be cleaned by repainting. With water still draining away slowly from the sinks in the house and the frustration of a failed attempt at resolving the problem, I turned to the web to find a local plumber who could help me.


And that’s when I found Pro Blocked Drains and my luck changed.


I rang the number, feeling a little embarrassed that I’d tried the drains clearance myself and made such a mess, but the voice on the other end of the phone was kind and calm and I was immediately reassured they would be able to help me. An engineer from Pro Blocked Drains came the same day and quickly set to work to find the source of the drain blockage.


He used a method called a CCTV drain survey which helps identify the nature and location of any problem in the drainage system. With this detailed information, the engineer was able to see exactly what was causing the drain blockage at my house–it was a build-up of the tiler’s grout which had solidified in the drain.


Once he knew what was causing the problem, the engineer was able to recommend the correct and most efficient method to resolve it.


If you have never heard about a CCTV drain survey before, let me explain how it works.


What is a CCTV Drain Survey?


A CCTV Drain Survey is a device comprising of a high-definition camera that is used to capture and record the entire scene inside the drainage pipes; access rods to help maneuver the camera through the complex network of pipes; crawlers to give more mobility and help view the condition of the drain even through obstructions; and sometimes sonar which helps you get a complete insight of the condition of the drain, despite any obstructions.


The camera is placed into the drain through an access manhole and rodding cap. It is maneuvered through the drainage system. capturing images as it goes through the pipework and logging the distance it travels so that the location of the blockage can be found again from the outside.


Once this information has been collected, the engineers can analyze the data and decide the best, most efficient, and cost-effective solution for you.


Do You Only Need a CCTV Drain Survey When You Have a Problem?


When you buy a new house, it’s always advisable to conduct a drain inspection, and booking a CCTV Drain Survey with Pro Blocked Drains in Bridgewater is the simplest and most cost-effective way to do it.


But even if you have not recently moved and you’ve lived in your home for some time, you would still be advised to conduct an annual drain inspection. Drains are often getting blocked: hair accumulating in the shower tray, grease and cooking fat accidentally put down the kitchen sink, too much paper flushed down the toilet, or even those tiny blocks of lego posted down the drain by your neighbor’s toddler.


Often, you hardly notice the water draining away more slowly than usual from the kitchen sink or the level in the toilet bowl rising too high when you flush, and it’s not until you have a noticeable problem that you pay it any attention.


But just like you service your car each year or get a check-up at the dentist, booking a CCTV Drain Survey regularly is an excellent idea as it is able to check the condition of your whole drainage system, not just looking for blockages but also checking for leaky joints, cracks and the like, and resolving any issues before they become an inconvenient and expensive problem.


Where Can You Find a CCTV Drain Survey in Bridgewater?


When looking to have a drain inspection done for your home in Bridgewater, there are some things you should look for in the company you choose:


  • Fully Qualified Safe Contractor Approved Workers
  • n

  • Quick Response Time
  • n

  • Full Indemnity Insurance
  • n

  • Competitive Prices
  • n

  • 24/7 blocked drain services
  • n

  • Availability 365 days of the year
  • n

  • No Call Out Fee
  • n

  • Free Quotations
  • n

  • Friendly service
  • n

  • Guaranteed Work
  • n

  • 5-star rating
  • n

There is one company in Bridgewater that stands heads above all the others and offers all of these features. It is called Pro Blocked Drains and is part of a national network of professional drainage specialists, with a reputation for high quality, efficient and effective drain inspection and clearance.


You can call them on 0800 611 82 99 or email them at for advice and a free no-obligation quote.


Final Words


Don’t wait until you have a problem with a blocked drain, contact Pro Blocked Drains in Bridgewater today and make a plan to include a CCTV drain survey into your regular home maintenance schedule. Learn more about Burst Water Main In Farnborough.

CCTV Drain Survey in Dorchester: Why Every New Homeowner Should Book One

Moving house is among the top five most stressful life events. It’s not surprising as there is so much to do. In between juggling house viewings, solicitors, mortgage brokers, surveyors, and estate agents, with your full-time work, family commitments, and trying to pack your life up until now into boxes, you often overlook the state of repair of the new house you’re moving into and assume everything works just fine.


So imagine the distress you’d feel if that very first day you move into your new home and flush the toilet you’re rewarded with a drain blockage which makes the water overflow back into the bathroom, flooding the floor and making a mess you feel too tired to clean up.


The stress of the house move comes crashing down on you and you want to either cry or scream, but you can hear the bathroom door upstairs close and the shower switch on. You yell at the top of your voice to your partner to switch off the water but it’s too late, another wave of water spurts out from the hand basin this time, spraying in all directions.


You manage to avoid getting soaked, but the carpet in the hallway is not so lucky. Why didn’t you think to close the door?


Having a blocked drain is more common than you might think. There are many reasons why a drain blockage can occur: roots, leaves, soil, gravel, and grass cuttings can be washed into the outside drainage system during a rainstorm, and hair, oil, grease, and even children’s toys can block sinks, showers, and toilets inside the house.


But when you have lived in your home for a while, you know the risks and normally have taken care to avoid them. That’s why when moving into a new house, it’s wise to inspect the drainage system as soon as you get access to the property. And who knows, if the inspection survey shows drain problems it may be a useful negotiating tool for the purchase price!!


A CCTV drain inspection is a non-invasive way to check the general health of your drains and allow you to spot any drain blockages or damage to the pipes. Knowing if paper, rock, grease, oil, or cloth is causing the blockage helps you to choose the right drain unblocker solution in Dorchester.


What’s more, knowing the exact location of the drain blockage means you can focus straight on the problem area with the minimum amount of fuss or disruption. Obviously, this will save you time and money in resolving the drain blockage.

CCTV Drain Survey in Dorchester

How Does a CCTV Drainage Survey Work?


A CCTV Drain Survey is quite simple. It comprises a high-definition camera which is used to capture and record the entire scene inside the drainage pipes; access rods to help you maneuver the camera through complex pipework; crawlers to give more mobility and help view the condition of the drain even through obstructions; and sometimes sonar which helps you get a complete insight of the condition of the drain, despite any obstructions.



The camera is placed into the drain through an access manhole and rodding cap. It is maneuvered through the drainage system. capturing images as it goes through the pipework and logging the distance it travels so that the location of the blockage can be found again from outside.


Once this information has been collected, the engineers can analyze the cause and determine the best solution, all in terms of cost, ease of access, and efficiency. With this report, you can know the state of the drainage system in the new home you wish to buy and make a plan with Pro Blocked Drains to resolve any issues before you move in.


Where Can You Find a CCTV Drain Survey in Dorchester?


There’s one company in Dorchester that stands heads above all the others when it comes to booking a CCTV drain survey service. It is called Pro Blocked Drains and can be reached any time of day or night on 0800 611 82 99.


As part of a national network of professional drainage specialists, you are guaranteed highly trained professionals backed by the latest equipment and with a nationwide reputation for providing high-quality, efficient, and effective drain inspection and clearance.


What’s more, with drainage experts based locally in Dorchester, you can be assured of a fast response time, local knowledge, and friendly service. By asking Pro Blocked Drains to give you a camera drain inspection before you buy your new home, you will be assured of:


  • Fully Qualified Safe Contractor Approved Workers
  • n

  • Quick Response Time
  • n

  • Full Indemnity Insurance
  • n

  • Competitive Prices
  • n

  • 24/7 blocked drain services
  • n

  • Availability 365 days of the year
  • n

  • No Call Out Fee
  • n

  • Free Quotations
  • n

  • Friendly service
  • n

  • Guaranteed Work
  • n

  • 5-star rating
  • n

So, call Pro Blocked Drains on 0800 611 82 99 or email at, today to book your CCTV drain inspection or for advice and a free, no-obligation quote.


Final Words


Don’t wait until you have a problem with a blocked drain, contact Pro Blocked Drains today and make a plan to include a CCTV drain survey into your house purchase plans.

Drain Unblocking Services in Lyme Regis

The first time you know you have a blocked drain maybe when you come home to a musty smell in the house and the toilet not flushing the waste away. If you’re lucky, you may be able to see the cause of the drain blockage straight away, but more often than not you need professional help to discover the root of the problem and the exact location.


Drains clearance takes time and patience and a measure of luck if you plan on attempting it yourself. And many householders simply don’t have the time to spare or the right tools or knowledge to achieve effective drain unblocking in Lyme Regis. So in this article, we will give you some tips on how to unblock your drain and tell you where to get professional help if you should need it.


Easy-To-Follow Tips For Unblocking Your Drain

Drain Unblocking Services in Lyme Regis

Tip One – Stop the problem getting worse


On discovering you have a drain blockage, the first step you should take is to make sure the taps are switched off and your family knows not to use the toilet, sinks, or shower until you have repaired the problem.


Allowing more water to flow into an already blocked drain may cause pressure to build up in the pipe and split a joint, or it could cause water to overflow and damage flooring, walls, or ceilings.


Tip Two – Try to remove the blockage by hand


If you can see the obstruction clearly, you can try to remove the debris using your hands or a hook made from a bent wire coat hanger. Once you have cleared the drain, flush water through the system to check the flow is restored. It is always advisable to wear heavy-duty gloves to protect your hands from dirt (especially if the blockage is in the toilet system).


Tip Three – Flush the drain with boiling water


Boiling water is effective for clearing away soap scum, mud, and if used alongside detergent, a small amount of grease or oil, and it is good practice to make a habit of flushing your drainage system with boiling water on a regular basis to help prevent blockages occurring.


However, care should be taken when using boiling water, not only to prevent the risk of scalding but also to prevent damaging your system: if you have PVC pipes, boiling water should never be used as it may loosen the joints in the pipework and create leaks. Also, porcelain sink bowls may crack with extreme heat so you must take care to pour the water directly into the drain by using a jug or funnel to help you target the water correctly.


Tip Four – Use a handheld sink plunger


All D.I.Y. stores sell cup-shaped plungers and it is worth buying one to keep under the sink. They come in two styles: the traditional plunger and a handheld pump plunger. Both are easy to use and rely on you creating a tight seal around the edges of the suction pad to create a vacuum that will pull up the blockage once you start pumping the plunger. A good tip is to smear a little petroleum jelly around the edge of the suction pad to give a better seal.


It is important to cover the drain completely with the suction cup. Using a fast pumping action for 30 seconds may be enough to clear the blockage, but you should expect to repeat the action a couple of more times to be sure you have removed all the debris.


After using the plunger, flush the system with water to check it flows properly.


Tip Five – Mix baking soda with vinegar or lemon juice


Mixing baking soda with an acid such as vinegar or lemon juice will create a chemical reaction that may be active enough to dislodge grime, grease, and other small debris, allowing you to flush them away through the drainage system. It’s easy to use. First pour baking soda directly into the drain.


Wait for a while to allow it to be absorbed by the grime. Then pour into the drain an equal amount of vinegar or lemon juice. The mixture will begin to ‌ fizz and after about 20 minutes, the mixture will have completed its work, and you can pour boiling water into the drain to flush away the solution, any grime it’s dislodged, and allow the water to flow smoothly. If the blockage is stubborn, you can repeat the process.


Tip Six – Insert a drain snake into the drain


Often when too much tissue is flushed down a toilet, a blockage can occur some distance down the pipe and be difficult to reach. In these circumstances, using a drain snake will allow you to reach the blockage and bring it closer so you can remove it.


Available from D.I.Y. centers and plumbing stores, they are simple to operate either by hand twisting or attaching to a drill. You will need to remove the sewer cover to access the problem area and you should take care to wear protective gloves and a facemask as raw sewage has bacteria that could make you ill. We recommend you also wear safety goggles to prevent any splashing of blackwater in your eyes.


Lyme Regis’ Best Drain Clearing Services Guaranteed To Work


Drain unblocking is dirty, smelly, and time-consuming work and there is always a risk of making the situation worse if you don’t know what you’re doing, but if you live in Lyme Regis, you don’t have to attempt the work yourself.


Pro Blocked Drains is a well-known company serving customers all over the UK and with an office in Lyme Regis As drainage professionals, Pro Blocked Drains knows exactly how to find the problem and offers a guaranteed service that is second to none.


  • State-of-the-art equipment to resolve the problem quickly and efficiently.
  • n

  • Fast response.
  • n

  • Free call-out and quotation.
  • n

  • Fully qualified Safe-Contractor-Approved workers.
  • n

  • Friendly customer service.
  • n

  • 24-hour a day service 365 days of the year.
  • n

  • Guarantee workmanship.
  • n

  • Budget-friendly price.
  • n

So, next time you have a blocked drain in Lyme Regis call Pro Blocked Drains at any time of day or night on 0800 611 82 99.


Final Words – Prevention is Better Than Cure


Of course, you can minimize your risks of having a blocked drain or any other drainage problems by adding a drain survey into your regular house maintenance schedule.


Using CCTV technology, a drain survey is conducted by professionals to inspect the entire drainage system and identify any areas of leaks, damage to pipework, or early signs of debris buildup. To book a CCTV drain survey simply contact Pro Blocked Drains on 0800 611 82 99.