Pro Blocked Drains is a 24 hour a day, 365 days a year, emergency drainage company providing services for blocked drains. We have a network of local drainage experts covering the UK who can help you with your drain blockage problem.

0800 6118277

How to Repair a Water Leak In Dorchester

Water leaks can be a real headache, especially if you’re not prepared. Luckily, there’s an easy way to fix them before they get worse: by knowing exactly what you need to do when it happens. We’ve outlined the steps below so that you know exactly how to handle a water leak in your home or apartment.

How to Repair a Water Leak In Dorchester

Shut off the water


Once you’ve determined the leak is coming from inside your home, then it’s time to shut off the water. There are several ways to do this depending on where the Burst water pipe is located.


If the leak is coming from an outdoor hose connection or sprinkler system, shut off the main valve outside your home and turn on all the taps to let any remaining water drain out of the pipes.


If there’s a valve directly below where you think there might be a leaky pipe, try shutting it off first before turning off other valves farther away (like those at branches). This will ensure that no more water gets into that part of your system and makes finding leaks easier if they do still exist after turning everything else off remotely.


It’s also possible for multiple leaks in one area—like those caused by old pipes—to occur after closing one major valve like those mentioned above; therefore we recommend checking every source individually before moving on to another step so as not to miss anything out!


Turn off all the water in your house. Make sure that no one is using the bathroom, showering, or doing dishes while you do this. Then turn on all the taps in the house to drain the water tank completely. You may also want to flush the toilet a couple of times to speed up the process. This will also help eliminate any air from being trapped inside pipes that might affect how well they seal when turned back on again later on during this process (which could cause another leak further down the line).


If there’s still some sort of leak present after doing this step, then call up a professional plumber who can determine whether there’s something more serious going on here than just some regular old clogs!


Drain what you can


The reasons for turning off the water are pretty self-explanatory, but it’s important to turn off the water supply to whatever room you’re in before beginning repairs. If there’s no visible valve or tap, check behind your sink for a shutoff knob that controls the entire house. If you don’t see one of these, look for an electrical panel in your attic and flip the switch labeled “water.”


Use a bucket to catch what you can’t stop with towels. Once you’ve turned off the water supply, it’s time to start working on fixing this leak! While we recommend using buckets as much as possible throughout this process (because they’re easy), sometimes it’s impossible not to get some of that precious H2O all over yourself—and then onto your furniture and floors.


That’s why it’s always good practice to keep some towels handy nearby while doing any sort of home improvement work—they’ll come in handy when things start getting messy!


Clean up the water


Once you’ve located and stopped the leak, it’s time to deal with the aftermath. There are several things you should never do when cleaning up water:


  • Don’t try to clean up with a broom or dustpan. The bristles will just push dirt around; they won’t actually absorb any liquid. Plus, brooms can scratch your hardwood floors!
  • n

  • Don’t get your hands wet while cleaning up. If a cupboard door is accidentally left open while you’re mopping, you could end up with nasty cuts on your fingers—and then what will happen? You’ll need to bandage those wounds… but if there’s blood in the bathroom sink (which may also be contaminated because of that leak!), then where will you go for bandages? Just don’t risk it by having any part of yourself exposed to potentially unsanitary areas or items during cleanup efforts!
  • n

Inspect the pipes


Once you have stopped the water flowing and cleaned up the area to prevent water damage to your furniture or floors, you’ll need to find the cause of the problem.


  • Look for discoloration, wet spots, or leaks. If you find any of these things, there’s a good chance that they’re caused by a water leak.
  • n

  • Use your senses of sight and smell to detect mold and rust. If there are signs of either one (mold tends to appear greenish-black), then it’s time to act fast!
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Determine if your pipe is frozen or just a small leak


  • If the temperature of your pipe is above freezing, it’s possible that you have a small leak. (Fortunately, this is a much easier fix.)
  • n

  • If the temperature of your pipe is below freezing, you may be dealing with a frozen pipe. (This one will be trickier to repair.)
  • n

Knowing these steps will help you repair a water leak before it gets out of hand


If the leak is small and manageable (i.e., not pouring water out of your sink or toilet), then it may be possible for you to repair it yourself. This will depend on the type of pipe involved in the leak and how fast it’s leaking—if there are visible cracks in pipes or joints, then there’s probably too much damage for even a DIYer to handle alone.


But if there’s just some dampness around an exposed area of pipe (like under your bathroom vanity), then that might be something you can handle with some simple tools and materials such as caulk or putty.


But if you’re dealing with a large leak, don’t try to fix it yourself. If you don’t know what you’re doing, call a professional.


Call Pro Blocked Drains in Dorchester to help you?


If you are having trouble with your drains and are looking for a drain unblocker in Dorchester, then Pro Blocked Drains are the right people to come to. As a national UK company with over 20 years of experience working with all types of drainage systems, we have extensive expertise in all manner of drainage systems and drainage problems.


What’s more, we have engineers based locally in Dorchester.


Our aim is to provide you with the very best service so you will keep coming back to us for all your plumbing and drainage needs. With Pro Blocked Drains we guarantee you:


  • Fully Qualified Safe Contractor Approved Workers
  • n

  • Quick Response Time
  • n

  • Full Indemnity Insurance
  • n

  • Competitive Prices
  • n

  • 24/7 drain services
  • n

  • Availability 365 days of the year
  • n

  • No Call Out Fee
  • n

  • Free Quotations
  • n

  • Friendly service
  • n

  • Guaranteed Work
  • n

  • 5-star rating
  • n

  • Peace of mind
  • n

If you are based in Dorchester or the surrounding areas and need more information about our services, please get in touch with us today either by dropping us an email or calling on 0800 611 82 99.


Our friendly knowledgeable staff is always happy to help and we will give you a free quote for all work carried out by our team of specialists. We also offer a 24/7/365 emergency service for any urgent repairs you may require.


Professional Drains Clearance Services In Cranborne

When your drain is blocked, it can be a real nightmare. Not only will your wastewater not drain away making your sink, bath, or even toilet unusable, but dirty water can stagnate and cause an unpleasant smell to pervade every corner of your home.

Drains Clearance Services In Cranborne

Unless you are very vigilant, a drain blockage can easily occur at any time–washing up oily or greasy pans without pre-soaking in detergent, tipping coffee grains or tea leaves down the drain rather than disposing of them properly into the compost, or forgetting to put sanitary products into the bathroom bin and flushing them away in the toilet instead–can all lead to a blocked drain and your need to find a drains clearance service.


What is the best way to clear a blocked drain?


If a drain is blocked and you’re not sure how to unblock it, there are several methods you can try.


  • Use a plunger: Every household should have a plunger at hand. These are inexpensive to buy and can be found in all DIY stores and some of the larger supermarkets. The plunger works by creating a vacuum so that when the plunger is pumped it will dislodge any debris and allow it to be either removed by hand or flushed away. You may need to use your plunger more than once to completely clear the blockage.
  • n

  • Use an auger or drain snake: These are very similar and involve you inserting a flexible rod into the blocked drain and then manipulating it to dislodge the debris and either pull it back up to be removed or to be flushed away by running the tap.
  • n

  • Use a drain cleaner: If the blockage is further down the drain than an auger can reach, try using a chemical drain cleaner to dissolve any buildup in the pipes. Pour some of your chosen product into the blocked area and watch for bubbles. When they appear, stop pouring and wait at least five minutes before attempting to clear out whatever’s left blocking your pipe with another round of plunging or snake usage. Although chemical drain cleaners work well, they are dangerous and should be avoided by anyone who isn’t experienced with them or doesn’t have the right equipment.
  • n

  • If your blockage persists after trying these methods and none of them seem to work for you, then consider calling in professional help from an expert like Pro Blocked Drains who have many years of experience in clearing blocked drains quickly and efficiently.
  • n

What is the root cause of my blocked drain?


You can get rid of your blocked drain by finding out what is causing it to clog up in the first place. Is it the hair? Grease? Did someone pour something down the sink that shouldn’t have gone there?


It is important to understand the cause of your drain blockage especially if you want to use a chemical drain cleaner. Although there are emergency drain unblockers available on the market, you will find them more effective if they are targeted to the nature of the debris.


How do I know if my drain is blocked?


You can never tell when your drain will be blocked. There are some tell-tale signs, however, that will help you to know if your drains are blocked and need to be cleared as soon as possible.


  • The drain smells or there is an odor pervading the home.
  • n

  • Water pooling around the drain will suggest that the water is overflowing.
  • n

  • Water backs up in the sink, bathtub, or toilet when it’s not being used.
  • n

  • The drain is slow to drain away.
  • n

  • The toilet flushes slowly, or not at all
  • n

How do you unblock an outside drain?


You can unblock an outside drain with a drain snake, plunger, and auger. A chemical drain cleaner will also work. If that doesn’t work, use a high-pressure water jetter or hydro jetter. If you choose to use chemical drain unblockers, take care if you have any pets or small children, and keep them out of the area as you work on the drain clearance.


How often should you clean your drains?


The answer to this question depends on several factors.


  • How many people live in your house, and how much are they use the drains? If you have a large family and use the shower or bath every day, it is likely that the drain will get blocked more often than if there is just one person living in an apartment or small house.
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  • How old your drain is? A newer drain may need clearances more often than an older one, simply because it might not be able to withstand as much usage before becoming blocked again.
  • n

Call us for all your drainage needs


We offer a wide range of services, including drain clearance, sewer repair and maintenance, and many more. Our company is highly reputable and we pride ourselves on our professionalism.


Our experts understand that plumbing problems can happen at any time of day or night, so we are available 24/7 to ensure you get the help you need when you need it.


How can Pro Blocked Drains help you?


If you are having trouble with your drains and are looking for a drain unblocking service, then Pro Blocked Drains are the right people to come to. As a national UK company with over 20 years of experience working with all types of drainage systems, we have extensive expertise in all manner of drainage systems and drainage problems. What’s more, we have engineers based locally in Cranborne.


Our aim is to provide you with the very best service so you will keep coming back to us for all your plumbing and drainage needs. With Pro Blocked Drains we guarantee you:


  • Fully Qualified Safe Contractor Approved Workers
  • n

  • Quick Response Time
  • n

  • Full Indemnity Insurance
  • n

  • Competitive Prices
  • n

  • 24/7 drain services
  • n

  • Availability 365 days of the year
  • n

  • No Call Out Fee
  • n

  • Free Quotations
  • n

  • Friendly service
  • n

  • Guaranteed Work
  • n

  • 5-star rating
  • n

  • Peace of mind
  • n

If you are based in Cranborne or the surrounding areas and need more information about our services, please get in touch with us today either by dropping us an email or calling on 0800 611 82 99. Our friendly knowledgeable staff is always happy to help and we will give you a free quote for all work carried out by our team of specialists. We also offer a 24/7/365 emergency service for any urgent repairs you may require.



What’s the Best Way to Unblock a Sink?

Drains get blocked on occasion and unclogging your drain is always an unpleasant task and can take a long time to get the job done. However, there are many different ways to do it and some of them are quicker than others. Here’s how you can unblock your sink quickly:

Best Way to Unblock a Sink

Preparing to unclog the sink


  • Turn off the water supply.
  • n

  • Remove any objects that might be blocking the sink by hand if you can reach them.
  • n

  • Find a plunger, or use a bucket to catch the water that will come out when you do this.
  • n

  • Find some chemical drain cleaner and pour it into your blocked sink, following instructions on how much to use for your particular situation or type of clog (if there are no instructions, start by pouring one cup full down all drains in your home).
  • n

Unblocking the drain using a plunger


If you’re dealing with a blocked drain, the first course of action is to use a plunger. Place the plunger firmly in your sink, and push down on it until you can feel resistance. Then pull up (don’t push down).


This should loosen any clogs that may be present. Repeat this step two more times, and then push down again while holding one end of the plunger against your sink’s lip so that it remains stable as you pull up on its handle with both hands. You can also try pushing down and then pulling up three times in quick succession before repeating these steps once more; this should clear out any remaining debris from inside your drain pipe.


Pro Tip: the plunger relies on a vacuum being created to dislodge the debris so by smearing a little vaseline around the edge of the cup before using it, you will create a tighter seal.


Using drain rods to unblock the drain


If a plunger doesn’t work, head over to Amazon or to your local hardware store and buy a drain rod. These are made of plastic or metal and have a hook on one end that can be used to pull out any items that are clogging the sink’s pipes. The best part? They are cheap to buy!


Use a drain snake or auger


Similar to a drain rod is a drain snake. This is a flexible metal spiral that is wound into the drain either by hand or attached to an electric drill and as it twists it collects pieces of the debris which can then be pulled back out.


Use chemicals to unblock drains


There are a number of different chemicals that can be used to unblock a sink, but some are better than others. While some drain unblockers are effective and safe, others have unwanted side effects that make them unsuitable for use in the home.


Drainage chemicals come in many different forms. Some have been formulated to work in conjunction with water to flush away debris blocking your pipes (such as salt-based products), while others act as heavy-duty cleaners that remove residue from all surfaces around your home (such as bleach).


While you should always take care when using any chemical product inside your house – especially one designed for industrial use – there are some safer options available on the market today too!


Which chemical cleaners should I use?


Which chemical cleaner you ultimately choose to use will depend on the nature of the debris that is blocking your drains. It is important to use the correct formula to ensure that it works otherwise you could literally be throwing money down the drain. As a guideline, here are a few suggestions:


Oil and grease: Buster Kitchen Drain Unblocker


Hair: Elbow Grease Drain Unblocker


Food and kitchen waste: Mr. Muscle Drain Unblocker, Heavy Duty Sink and Drain Cleaning Gel


General purpose: Drano Max Gel Drain Clog Remover and Cleaner for Shower or Sink Drains


Take caution when using chemicals


Drain unblockers in Corfe Castle are designed to break down the blockages in your pipes and it goes without saying that the stronger the chemical used, the more likely it will be effective quickly. But strong chemicals could damage the drain pipes, and septic tanks, and even harm you or your family, or your pets. So, choosing the right one and handling it with care is essential.


Here are a few steps you should take when handling drain-unblocking chemicals:


  • Always use protective gloves when handling the chemicals, especially if you have any skin allergies or complaints.
  • n

  • Wear protective eye goggles to prevent any splashes from entering your eyes.
  • n

  • Ensure the room is well-ventilated when you are unblocking the drain with chemicals.
  • n

  • If the chemical drain unblocker doesn’t work straight away, do not mix it with another chemical–there is a risk that the combination could create a poisonous gas (bleach is a notorious offender in doing this).
  • n

  • Store any unused chemical well out of reach of children or animals.
  • n

Final Words


So, if you have a blocked sink, you can try to unblock it using any of the methods we have suggested. Once the water is flowing freely again, you should then make sure that the problem doesn’t happen again by:


  • using a drain sieve to catch any larger debris that may be flushed into the drain
  • n

  • taking care to dispose of grease and oil properly and always soaking greasy pans in detergent to dissolve the grease before washing them
  • n

  • never pour coffee grains or tea leaves down the sink but rather add them to your compost
  • n

  • using maintenance products such as drain unblockers or chemicals on a regular basis to keep your drain pipes clear and prevent any blockages from happening as a result of debris build-up.
  • n

How can Pro Blocked Drains help you?


If you are having trouble with your drains and are looking for a drain unblocking service, then Pro Blocked Drains are the right people to come to. As a national UK company with over 20 years of experience working with all types of drainage systems, we have extensive expertise in all manner of drainage systems and drainage problems. What’s more, we have engineers based locally in Corfe Castle, so are literally right on your doorstep.


Our aim is to provide you with the very best service so you will keep coming back to us for all your plumbing and drainage needs. With Pro Blocked Drains we guarantee you:


  • Fully Qualified Safe Contractor Approved Workers
  • n

  • Quick Response Time
  • n

  • Full Indemnity Insurance
  • n

  • Competitive Prices
  • n

  • 24/7 drain services
  • n

  • Availability 365 days of the year
  • n

  • No Call Out Fee
  • n

  • Free Quotations
  • n

  • Friendly service
  • n

  • Guaranteed Work
  • n

  • 5-star rating
  • n

  • Peace of mind
  • n

If you are based in Corfe Castle or the surrounding areas and need more information about our services, please get in touch with us today either by dropping us an email or calling on 0800 611 82 99.


Our friendly knowledgeable staff is always happy to help and we will give you a free quote for all work carried out by our team of specialists. We also offer a 24/7/365 emergency service for any urgent repairs you may require.

Best Guide On Soakaway Drainage Systems In Cheddar

A soakaway drainage system is a great way to dispose of the water that accumulates on your property. A soakaway is buried underground and allows you to remove excess water and sediment from a site, preventing flooding and erosion.


Soakaways are especially useful in areas where there’s no sewer connection or when access to the sewer is limited by geographical features like natural bodies of water or steep slopes.


A soakaway provides protection against flooding and water pollution. It can also be used to prevent surface water from entering the ground, preventing erosion of the soil in a garden or on a building site.

Soakaway Drainage Systems In Cheddar

Things to Know About Soakaway Drainage


Soakaways are an effective and environmentally friendly way of disposing of rainwater. They are installed in your garden or on your property, usually below ground level and away from any gutters. A soakaway is a type of water harvesting system that relies on natural processes to remove rainwater from the ground, slowly releasing it into groundwater or some other drainage system. They’re also an alternative to underground drains, which can cause flooding in your garden if they get blocked, or surface drains which can end up with water pooling on top of them.


Soakaways work by allowing surface water to slowly infiltrate into the soil through perforated pipes laid underground in an area where it will not cause problems such as flooding or erosion.


Soakaways can be made from a variety of materials including plastic or porous stones such as brick rubble or crushed tarmac. If you choose to install one yourself then you’ll need around 100-200mm (4-8 inches) of the soil before installing the soakaway into it so that there’s enough space for water to collect when it rains.


The soakaway consists of two parts: one part that collects water and directs it into a pipe; and another part that holds this collected rainwater until it evaporates or seeps into the ground.


How are Soakaways Installed?


  • Soakaway drain pipes should be installed at a depth of at least 1.5 meters and below the frost line, in order to ensure that water does not pool in your pipe during the winter months.
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  • Soakaways should be installed in a straight line so that any rainwater can be directed into them as soon as possible. You may need to dig several soakaways depending on how much land you are using for your soakaway drain system.
  • n

  • It is important to follow local regulations when installing your soakaway drain system. If you install an underground soakaway without following these rules, you could get into trouble with local authorities or even face prosecution under environmental law if there is flooding caused by poor drainage systems on your property.
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What Kind of Conditions are Required for Soakaways to Work Properly?


If you have clay soil, the chances are pretty good that your soakaway will function well. If you have sandy or gravelly soils and a microclimate that supports grass growth, then a soakaway can also be an effective drainage solution. However, if your site has rocky or peaty soil—or if it’s waterlogged—then a soakaway is probably not the best choice for you.


When Would I Need a Soakaway Drainage System?


If you have a septic tank, then a soakaway drainage system may be something for you. This type of drainage system is often used in areas prone to flooding, but it can also be useful if your property has a pond or lake.


How Can I Install a New Soakaway Drainage System?


If you have the tools and the time to spare (and plenty of energy) it is possible to install a soakaway system yourself, but depending on your soil conditions you might find it easier to hire a mini-digger rather than try to dig out a hole big enough to install the drainage cube (for example, a 120L cube would need a hole dug 1 meter by half a meter at least).


That’s some heavy digging, especially in an area like Cheddar where the limestone soil is stony. So, instead, a simpler and easier solution to installing your soakaway drainage system is to hire a professional company, such as Pro Blocked Drains.


They have the equipment and expertise to do the work in a fraction of the time and without you needing to break your back digging.


Make your soakaway drainage system work the best it can


To make your soakaway drainage system work the best it can:


  • Check the level of groundwater and make sure that there’s a minimum of 2 meters distance between your soakaway and any nearby surface water or rivers or streams.
  • n

  • If you have an existing soakaway, dig up the grass around it to allow easier access for maintenance checks. You should also check for any blockages in your soakaways such as leaves or other debris that might cause problems when it rains.
  • n

  • Always keep an eye out for signs of water damage to the property such as damp walls and floors (or even rising damp), cracks in walls and doors frames, leaking pipes etcetera – these are all indicators that your soakaway is not draining properly or has reached capacity during heavy rainfall events which may require intervention before further damage occurs due to flooding throughout surrounding areas
  • n

Final Words


A soakaway drainage system can be a great choice for your home. It’s important to consider all of the factors involved in choosing this type of system, and we hope this article has given you some valuable information to help you. If you now have decided you want to install a soakaway system, the next step is to get advice from the experts, Pro Blocked Drains.


We are a national UK company with over 20 years of experience working with all types of drainage systems and with engineers based locally in Cheddar which means we understand the area, not just in terms of local council regulations but also in the nature of the ground we’ll be installing the soakaway into and any specific requirements that need to be considered as a consequence.


Our aim is to provide you with the very best service so you will keep coming back to us for all your plumbing and drainage needs. With Pro Blocked Drains we guarantee you:


  • Fully Qualified Safe Contractor Approved Workers
  • n

  • Quick Response Time
  • n

  • Full Indemnity Insurance
  • n

  • Competitive Prices
  • n

  • 24/7 drain services
  • n

  • Availability 365 days of the year
  • n

  • No Call Out Fee
  • n

  • Free Quotations
  • n

  • Friendly service
  • n

  • Guaranteed Work
  • n

  • 5-star rating
  • n

  • Peace of mind
  • n

If you are based in Cheddar or the surrounding areas and need more information about our services, please get in touch with us today either by dropping us an email or calling on 0800 611 82 99.


Our friendly knowledgeable staff is always happy to help and we will give you a free quote for all work carried out by our team of specialists. We also offer a 24/7/365 emergency service for any urgent repairs you may require.

How to Unblock a Toilet In Corfe Mullen

Toilets get blocked all the time. Maybe too much paper has been put into the pan, your toddler has decided that their squishmallow wants to go for a swim, or someone has tried to flush away cat litter, sanitary products, or nappies away. If your toilet is blocked, you have several options to try before calling a plumber. The first thing you should do is check the overflow tube under the rim. It’s easy enough to do and won’t cost you anything. If it’s still clogged after that, then it’s time to try some of these products that are designed specifically for unblocking toilets:

How to Unblock a Toilet In Corfe Mullen

Toilet plunger (if you don’t have one, get one)


A toilet plunger is a rubber cup that you fill with water and use to plunge the clog into your toilet. You can find them at any hardware store and most larger supermarkets, but if you don’t have one handy, get one and keep it under the kitchen sink!


The plunger is easy to use and works by creating a vacuum as you pump the plunger. This action will dislodge any debris that is causing the blockage and enable you to either remove it by hand or flush it away. A plunger is not just useful for unblocking toilets but it can also be used to unblock sinks and showers.


Pro Tip: if you smear the edge of the plunger cup with vaseline, it will help you to create a better seal and the plunger will work more efficiently.


A pair of pliers (you can borrow them from a friend if you don’t have one)


Pliers are a useful tool for many jobs around the house, and they’re especially handy when your toilet has been clogged up with a children’s toy or a sanitary product. If you can see the debris that is clogging your toilet, the pliers will help you to grab hold and pull it out.


But make sure you wear a pair of protective gloves and old clothing in case of splash back.


A bent metal coat hanger


Where the blockage has moved further around the U-bend and you can’t get your pliers to grab the debris, a simple hook made from a bent metal coat hanger can do the trick. Toilet paper, wet wipes, or sanitary products can be hooked and pulled back out to be removed then by hand, and if you can remove enough, the rest can be flushed away as normal. The advantage of a hook is also that you have a longer reach so you won’t need to risk putting your hands into the toilet water, which more than likely will be dirty.


Drano (for the toilet bowl)


There are many proprietary toilet cleaners available in supermarkets, DIY, and plumbing centers. Choosing the correct one can be difficult and you are advised to ask for help as you can waste a lot of money by not buying the correct one. Drano, however, is a very powerful cleaner that can be used on any drain, including the toilet bowl. It’s available at most large supermarkets and in DIY centers.


To use it, pour enough of the liquid down the toilet until it covers all of the blockages, then let it sit for 30 minutes to an hour before running the water again. Be sure not to use this on anything other than a blocked toilet or bathtub drain—it will cause damage if you apply it anywhere else in your home.


Arco Drain Unblocker


Arco drain unblocker in Corfe Mullen can be used in all pipe, drain, and U-bend issues. Simply pour some of the formulae into the toilet and leave it to dissolve the debris before flushing it away. This product is corrosive so care should be taken when using it and skin and eyes should be protected at all times when using it.


Take care (you don’t want to make things worse)


It should really go without saying that when doing any DIY around the home it is important to take care to avoid making the situation worse or causing any additional damage. If you are a keen DIYer then you will undoubtedly have a shed full of suitable tools, otherwise, you will either need to buy tools (which can be expensive) or make do with what you have. What’s more, if you are trying to unblock a toilet, you must accept this is messy, smelly work and you need to protect your clothes, skin, and eyes and avoid the smell.


You may find it easier, cheaper, and cleaner to simply call in the professionals to unblock your toilet.


Final Words


And talking about professionals, who should you call?


If you live in or around Corfe Mullen and have a blocked toilet then call us at Pro Blocked Drains. We are a national UK company with engineers based locally in Corfe Mullen which means we can get to help you quickly–any time of day or night.


With over 20 years of experience working with all types of drains and pipes, we have extensive experience in all types of drainage problems, there are not many situations or problems we haven’t already come across and resolved.


Our aim is always to solve your problem as quickly as possible without causing further damage or inconvenience along the way–we try our best not only because this saves time but also because it reduces costs by avoiding unnecessary repairs later down the line when there may be more complications involved!


With Pro Blocked Drains we guarantee you:


  • Fully Qualified Safe Contractor Approved Workers
  • n

  • Quick Response Time
  • n

  • Full Indemnity Insurance
  • n

  • Competitive Prices
  • n

  • 24/7 drain services
  • n

  • Availability 365 days of the year
  • n

  • No Call Out Fee
  • n

  • Free Quotations
  • n

  • Friendly service
  • n

  • Guaranteed Work
  • n

  • 5-star rating
  • n

  • Peace of mind
  • n

If you are based in Corfe Mullen or the surrounding areas and need more information about our services, please get in touch with us today either by dropping us an email or calling on 0800 611 82 99. We will give you a free quote for all work carried out by our team of specialists. We also offer a 24/7/365 emergency service for any urgent repairs you may require.


Our friendly knowledgeable staff is always happy to help!

What Is Drain Jetting And How does It work In Chippenham?

Drain jetting is a method of clearing drains using high-pressure water. Its uses range from cleaning and clearing drains and pipes to remove blockages and improving plumbing systems.


It does this by using a combination of different tools and methods, such as pipes with different diameters, hoses, nozzles, and jets which all work together to remove that clog!

What Is Drain Jetting

Drain jetting is often performed by plumbers or emergency drain unblockers, but you can also do it yourself with the right tools and equipment.


Drain jetting can be used on all types of drains, including kitchen sinks, bathroom sinks, and bathtubs. The process involves putting a nozzle into your drain opening and then pumping water through it at high pressure to dislodge any clogs that may be preventing water from flowing freely down your pipes.


Benefits Of Drain Jetting


You don’t have to wait until you have a clog in your drains before you choose to use drain jetting. It can be a useful tool as part of your annual building maintenance to ensure that any debris or limescale accumulating in the drainpipe network does not lead to a more serious blockage later on.


If you have been doing any building work or DIY within the home, it can also help you avoid any problems occurring from cleaning the builder’s buckets and equipment that have been washed out in the indoor sink or outdoor tap, causing any kind of problem.


If you have a cesspit, drain jetting may be used to flush out the pipework after emptying and avoid insects or vermin becoming attracted to the environment.


Drain jetting is better than other methods of drains clearance because it is:


  • Fast and effective. Drain jetting can clear a drain in as little as 30 seconds, which means you’ll be able to get back to your day sooner than you would with traditional methods.
  • n

  • Environmentally friendly. There are no harsh chemicals involved in drain jetting, so it doesn’t harm the environment or septic tanks when used correctly (see our guidelines below).
  • n

  • Cost-effective. Only water is used, so there are no expensive chemicals to add to the budget. Plus we’ll even give you a free estimate before we start working on your pipes so there are no surprise charges here at all either!
  • n

How Does Drain Jetting Work?


Drain jetting is a process that uses high-pressure water to clean drains. The water is pressurized using an air compressor, which forces it through the pipe and into your drain. The pressure from the air compressor makes the jetting process more effective by forcing out any clogs or obstructions that may be in your pipes.


This can be very helpful if you’ve been experiencing slow drain flow because of a buildup of grease or other debris in your pipes, as well as when trying to clear out clogs after flooding has occurred in your home or office building.


The amount of pressure used during this process depends on what type of problem you’re dealing with (more on that later). For example, if there’s just some buildup in one spot, then lower levels will do just fine; however, if there has been recent flooding due to burst pipes or something else related to large amounts of water flowing through them at once (like popping champagne bottles), then higher levels are needed because there might be some debris lodged farther down inside where only high-pressure jets can reach them


Drain Jetting is Safe For The Environment


Drain jetting uses water to clean the drains, which means that there are no harmful chemicals used in the process. This means that once the drain jetting service has been performed, you can immediately return to normal in the knowledge that there is no risk to any of your family who may have allergies, nor to your pets or plants in the garden.


Final Words


If you live in or around Chippenham and think your drain needs a little TLC, drain jetting is the way to go. This process uses only high-pressure water to clean the drains and pipes.


It is fast and very effective, and as we have said before, if you feel up to it, you can perform drain jetting on your pipework yourself with a high-powered jet washer. But the work can also be a little messy, so it is important to make sure you protect your floors with drop cloths or mats before starting any work on them!


Rather than taking the risk of not jetting your drains correctly or creating a lot of mess in your house or garden, you can call in the experts at Pro Blocked Drains.


Pro Blocked Drains is a national UK company with engineers based locally in Chippenham.


With over 20 years of experience working with all types of drains and pipes, we have extensive experience in all types of drainage problems; there are not many situations or problems we haven’t already come across and resolved.


Our aim is always to solve your problem as quickly as possible without causing further damage or inconvenience along the way–we try our best not only because this saves time but also because it reduces costs by avoiding unnecessary repairs later down the line when there may be more complications involved!


With Pro Blocked Drains, we guarantee you:


  • Fully Qualified Safe Contractor Approved Workers
  • n

  • Quick Response Time
  • n

  • Full Indemnity Insurance
  • n

  • Competitive Prices
  • n

  • 24/7 drain services
  • n

  • Availability 365 days of the year
  • n

  • No Call Out Fee
  • n

  • Free Quotations
  • n

  • Friendly service
  • n

  • Guaranteed Work
  • n

  • 5-star rating
  • n

  • Peace of mind
  • n

If you are based in Chippenham or the surrounding areas and need more information about our services, please get in touch with us today either by dropping us an email or calling on 0800 611 82 99.


All you need to do is to contact the best engineers for your drainage. We will give you a free quote for all work carried out by our team of specialists. We also offer a 24/7/365 emergency service for any urgent repairs you may require.


Our friendly, knowledgeable staff are always happy to help!

How Is The Drains Inspection Done In Chepstow

A drain survey is an important part of any property inspection, and it can help you make sure that your drains are in good shape.


A good surveyor will be able to tell you if there are any issues with your plumbing system, like cracks in pipes, leaks, or clogs that need to be cleared out.


They’ll also be able to recommend ways to prevent problems from happening again in the future.

How Is The Drains Inspection Done In Chepstow

Sewer inspection


A sewer inspection is a great way to identify problems that could impact the health and safety of your home. It can also help your plumber find any damage that may have occurred during recent construction or remodeling projects.


Some of the things that a sewer inspection can detect include the following:


  • Sewer line blockages—a large clog in your home’s drain system can cause backups, overflows, and even flooding
  • n

  • Clogged septic lines—a backup or overflow indicates that something is preventing waste from exiting properly through the drain pipes into the septic tank; this could indicate an issue with one or more components of the system (like an improperly-sized tank) or external factors (like tree roots growing up into it)
  • n

  • Leaks in underground concrete structures such as sewers and water mains
  • n

  • Tree roots that have penetrated the drainage system.
  • n

CCTV drainage survey


A drain survey is a video inspection of your drainage system that can spot problems before they become a real issue, so you can avoid expensive repairs and prevent costly property damage.


A professional engineer will conduct the survey, which involves taking samples from your drains and testing them for obstructions or leaks. The results are analyzed by the engineer to identify potential issues with your plumbing system, allowing you to take action before damage occurs and saving money in the long run.


A drain survey is carried out using a CCTV (closed circuit television) camera and will help you to detect problems before they become a real issue. Such as:


  • identify blocked drains and leaks in your home or business premises
  • n

  • find the cause of blockages and leaks
  • n

  • determine if repairs are needed to fix problems
  • n

How is the CCTV drain survey done?


The engineers at Pro Blocked Drains will conduct your CCTV drains inspection by first lowering a high-resolution camera into the drain via an inspection manhole and, using rods to help manoeuver it, systematically inspect every nook and cranny within the drainage system.


Data is collected using WinCan software and then analyzed by our experts. The condition of the drainage system can be compared with previous inspections if they are available, and our experts will make recommendations based on the data collected.


Any problems detected can then be sorted out before they become an issue, either by drain jetting to remove debris from blocked drains or by undertaking any repair or replacement of pipes within the system.


How long does a CCTV drainage survey take?


The length of any CCTV drain survey depends on a number of factors. It could take anywhere from 30 minutes to two hours, depending on the size of your property and how many drains are involved.


If you’re interested in having a CCTV drain survey done on your home or business, contact us at Pro Blocked Drains to schedule an appointment at your convenience. We can usually do it on weekends or during the day or night—just let us know what works best for you!


What are the benefits of having a CCTV drain survey?


The benefits of having a CCTV drain survey are many. The first benefit is that it can help you avoid costly repairs. If there is a leak in your home, a regular inspection could prevent the need for major repair work later on, saving you money and time.


A CCTV drain survey also helps you to avoid costly replacements. If it looks like your pipes are corroded or leaking, then they may need replacing soon.


However, if this isn’t done immediately after detecting the problem then small leaks can become big ones and cause serious damage to your home before being detected again!


This is why regular inspections are so important as well; they will let you know whether or not an issue needs immediate attention before it turns into something bigger than what was originally thought about when initially inspected at home by yourself or when calling out professional services companies who specialize in these types of jobs (like us!).


We’re here to help with all your drainage needs. You can call us 24/7, and we’ll send one of our experienced engineers to your location, ready to work on any problem you may have. It doesn’t matter how big or small it is, and we can fix it!


Final Words


A CCTV drains inspection is an invaluable tool to identify potential problems within your drainage system or to help you decide on the best course of action to resolve known ones.


Pro Blocked Drains have over 20 years of experience working with all types of drains and pipes throughout the UK, we have extensive experience in all types of drainage problems, and what’s more, we have engineers right on your doorstep.


Our aim is always to solve your problem as quickly as possible without causing further damage or inconvenience along the way–we try our best not only because this saves time but also because it reduces costs by avoiding unnecessary repairs later down the line when there may be more complications involved!


With Pro Blocked Drains, we guarantee you:


  • Fully Qualified Safe Contractor Approved Workers
  • n

  • Quick Response Time
  • n

  • Full Indemnity Insurance
  • n

  • Competitive Prices
  • n

  • 24/7 drain services
  • n

  • Availability 365 days of the year
  • n

  • No Call Out Fee
  • n

  • Free Quotations
  • n

  • Friendly service
  • n

  • Guaranteed Work
  • n

  • 5-star rating
  • n

  • Peace of mind
  • n

If you need more information about our services, please get in touch with us today either by dropping us an email or calling on 0800 611 82 99.


We will give you a free quote for all work carried out by our team of specialists. We also offer a 24/7/365 emergency service for any urgent repairs you may require.


Our friendly, knowledgeable staff are always happy to help! Learn more information about Drain Jetting.

How Can I Unblock a Drain In Cheltenham?

Unblocking drains is one of those jobs that most people would rather avoid, but it’s actually not that hard to do yourself. Drain unblocking can be done simply with things you can find around your home. Let’s take a look at what you need …

How Can I Unblock a Drain In Cheltenham

Unblocking drains is a job that can be carried out by most homeowners themselves.


If you have a blocked drain, there are a few things you can do to rectify the situation. First, if it’s possible for you to unblock the drain yourself or find an emergency drain unblocker, try to do so with household items such as baking soda and vinegar or a plunger.


If this doesn’t work, there are services available that can help with clearing your drain—if necessary.


In addition to trying these methods first before calling in professional help, consider preventing clogs from occurring in the future by not pouring grease down drains or flushing anything larger than toilet paper (including cigarette butts) down toilets.


What Do I Need to Unblock a Plughole or Drain?


If you’re looking to unblock a drain, there are plenty of ways you can do it. Here’s a list of the tools and supplies you’ll need:




This is the classic tool for unblocking drains. Use it to force water down the pipe, dislodge any blockages and get things flowing again.


It’s important to make sure you make a good seal around the plug so smearing a little vaseline around the rim of the cup can guarantee you maximum success.


Use a wire coat hanger to clear blockages


If your plunger doesn’t work (or for smaller clogs), reach for this instead. The wire will be easier to maneuver through hard-to-reach places than a regular rubber plunger head would be.


Once in place, bend back on itself so that the hook forms one end of an L shape; push this down into your drain until it hits resistance, then pull up sharply—this should create enough suction to clear any blockage from inside your drainpipe.


Before you start, be sure to unplug your sink and turn off the water supply so that no water is running into or down your drain when you’re loosening up whatever might be clogging it. You’ll also want to wear gloves and eye protection for this project—drain unblocking can get messy!


If your drain has an overflow hole or slotted plug at the bottom of it, remove that first so that all excess water can flow out of the sink before proceeding with cleaning tasks. Then carefully insert a wire coat hanger into your drain and push it as far down as possible; if this doesn’t clear things up, try pushing or pulling out any visible debris with pliers or tongs (but don’t use anything sharp).


If necessary, add more liquid solution to loosen things up even more—you may need less than what’s recommended on product packaging since we’re using just one coat hanger instead of an entire bottle of cleaner at once!


Hot water and washing up liquid could help too


Another trick many people swear by is pouring hot water into the plughole while simultaneously plunging or using a wire coat hanger, as mentioned above. Hot water and washing up liquid is the easiest option, but it’s not always effective. Put some hot water in the sink and add some washing-up liquid to it.


You can also add an equal amount of chemical drain cleaner (one part washing up liquid plus one part chemical drain cleaner). This combination should help dissolve whatever has built up inside of your plumbing system over time and make sure everything runs smoothly again.


Leave it for a few minutes, then check the drain. If it’s still blocked, repeat the process. But remember to use boiling or near-boiling water when doing this, and don’t burn yourself!


Want to try chemical drain cleaners?


If you’re not averse to using chemicals, there are several that can be used safely in most cases. Drain cleaners are available at home-improvement stores and hardware stores. For the best results, read the label of the product carefully to make sure it’s appropriate for your drain type and pipe material (not all chemicals work on plastic pipes).


Most chemical drain cleaners will come with instructions for use. Make sure you follow them closely—you don’t want to end up with toxic fumes in your kitchen or bathroom! If you’re not sure how much of the chemical should go down your drain, err on the side of caution: less is more when it comes to chemical drain cleaners!


The baking soda and vinegar method is an old favorite, but it’s not always effective


This method is based on the chemical reaction between these two ingredients, which forms a bubbling foam that will loosen clogs and help them to flow down the drain. You can use any brand of baking soda but stay away from baking powder because it has a different chemical makeup. You can also use apple cider vinegar or white distilled vinegar instead of distilled white vinegar if you prefer those flavors to work better with your recipe.


The problem with this method is that it doesn’t work when grease or hair are causing the clog in your drain. If you had used this method before and had no luck removing your clog, try using hot water instead of cold water when mixing up the solution!


Baking soda and salt works brilliantly, too


Your last-ditch effort to unblock a drain is to combine baking soda and salt. It’s the same process as using vinegar and baking soda, but you’ll need to add about 1/4 cup of salt for every 1/2 cup of baking soda.


Once you’ve done that, pour the mixture into your clogged drain and wait 10 minutes before flushing again with hot water. Repeat if necessary.


Find a plumber who offers drain unblocking services


If you have a blocked drain and don’t want to get your hands dirty, then consider calling a plumber. A plumber will be able to quickly unblock your drain and leave no mess.


They’ll also be able to provide you with advice on how you can prevent drain blockages in the future, which will help save you time and money in the long run.


If you live in Cheltenham or the surrounding areas, call Pro Blocked Drains, who will be happy to help you.


Final Words


Unblocking a drain is a job that many homeowners can carry out themselves. It’s important to choose the right tools for your needs and follow the instructions carefully to avoid damaging your plumbing system. If you have tried to unblock your sink or drain yourself but still need help, then call in the professionals who have other methods of sink unblocking available to them.



Pro Blocked Drains have over 20 years of experience working with all types of drains and pipes throughout the UK, we have extensive experience in all types of drainage problems, and what’s more, we have engineers right on your doorstep.


Our aim is always to solve your problem as quickly as possible without causing further damage or inconvenience along the way–we try our best not only because this saves time but also because it reduces costs by avoiding unnecessary repairs later down the line when there may be more complications involved!


With Pro Blocked Drains, we guarantee you:


  • Fully Qualified Safe Contractor Approved Workers
  • n

  • Quick Response Time
  • n

  • Full Indemnity Insurance
  • n

  • Competitive Prices
  • n

  • 24/7 drain services
  • n

  • Availability 365 days of the year
  • n

  • No Call Out Fee
  • n

  • Free Quotations
  • n

  • Friendly service
  • n

  • Guaranteed Work
  • n

  • 5-star rating
  • n

  • Peace of mind
  • n

If you need more information about our services, please get in touch with us today either by dropping us an email or calling on 0800 611 82 99. We will give you a free quote for all work carried out by our team of specialists. We also offer a 24/7/365 emergency service for any urgent repairs you may require.


Our friendly, knowledgeable staff are always happy to help! Learn more information about Drains Inspection.

What To Do With Burst Water Pipes In Newport

If you have a burst water main in your property, you’ll need to act quickly and contact someone who can help. Your first port of call should be the local council: if there’s been a break in their infrastructure or pipes, they should come out and fix it ASAP.


If this isn’t the case, then you may have an issue with your own plumbing system. Either way, it pays to get some advice on how best to move forward after such an incident.

What To Do With Burst Water Pipes In Newport

What to do when you have a burst water main

Turn Off the Water Supply


If you are able to turn off the water supply, do so immediately and let it sit for a few minutes. If you have an outdoor tap, such as one that leads to a sprinkler system or pool, leave that on until everything else is shut off.


Otherwise, if there is any water running into your home (which there shouldn’t be), it will need to be turned off before attempting any repairs because it can seriously damage your floors and foundation by washing out any dirt below your home’s surface level and allowing water to seep in through cracks in your foundation walls.


  • Report the burst water main to the correct authorities and get help from the professionals
  • n

After turning off all of the house’s taps and sinks, you should contact either the local municipality or the private company responsible for providing drinking water.


The water company is responsible for repairing burst mains on public land or roads, so in the first instance, phone your local water company to report the problem.


They will send out someone from their emergency plumbing team to investigate and fix the issue as soon as possible. You will find their details on your water bill.


Your local council also has responsibility for maintaining any pipes that run under public land or roads, so if a pipe has burst under your property, then you may need to contact them too so they can coordinate with the water company to get someone out there to repair a burst water main as soon as possible.


If the burst water main has caused extensive flooding in your street, you should also notify the police. They can help with traffic control and assist in directing people away from your property as necessary.


Finally, call a plumber! That’s right; this is their time to shine—and they’ll come running if you call early enough in the process of repair work (although it’s always good to have one on retainer).


What to do if your neighbor has burst water main


If your neighbor has burst water main, and they are not home to turn off the water, you need to act quickly to minimize the damage that can be caused.


If your neighbor has a mains stopcock in the street or in their front garden, you may be able to turn the water off from here, but if you can’t access it, then you need to call emergency services immediately. This will ensure they are aware of the situation and prioritize attending to it if necessary.


What can cause burst water main?


Freezing temperature is a common cause of pipes bursting. In the winter, when the temperature drops below freezing, water in pipes can turn to ice, which, if you remember from school chemistry class, will expand.


When this happens, the pressure on the pipe can cause it to split. Where possible, ensure your water pipes are lagged to prevent this from happening.


High water pressure can weaken joints and cause leaks and even burst pipes. This leads to flooding and expensive damage to your home and property. Water companies do their best to regulate water pressure, but in areas where there are a lot of high-rise buildings or rural properties, pressure may need to be high so that water reaches to where it’s needed.


The best way to prevent problems is to call in a plumber or professional who knows how to work with high-level water pressure situations. They can add a regulator to your home and keep it safe.


Tree roots are notorious for causing burst water mains. Roots often travel twice the length of the tree’s height, so are likely to grow close to pipes.


The answer is to keep trees trimmed to a reasonable height and not plant any close to water mains, and if you have any concerns about trees on common ground, call the council.


Corrosion can cause thinning of pipes which can weaken them and cause them to burst under the water pressure. This is more likely to happen in homes with older pipes, so call a plumber to inspect their condition. These days, the main water inspection can be easily done using CCTV camera technology.


Drainage pipe blockages can cause pipes to burst. Regular clearance, inspection, and maintenance will help to prevent this.


Pro Blocked Drains have got you covered …


We’ve got you covered, whether your problem is with burst water main in your own home or in the street outside. You can always reach out to us at Pro Blocked Drains in Newport. If you have any questions or concerns! We can help you out in an emergency or inspect your water system to ensure there are no problems waiting to happen.


We are a nationwide network of plumbing specialists with over 20 years of experience working with all types of drains and pipes throughout the UK. We have a team of well-trained professionals who are experienced and have extensive knowledge of the drainage and water industry.


Our experts know how to tackle challenging projects, and they provide services to both domestic sectors and commercial sectors. We offer a 24-hour service because we understand that emergencies can happen at any time of the day or night, and they need immediate attention.


Our aim is always to solve your problem as quickly as possible without causing further damage or inconvenience along the way–we try our best not only because this saves time but also because it reduces costs by avoiding unnecessary repairs later down the line when there may be more complications involved!


With Pro Blocked Drains, we guarantee you the following:


  • Fully Qualified Safe Contractor Approved Workers
  • n

  • Quick Response Time
  • n

  • Full Indemnity Insurance
  • n

  • Competitive Prices
  • n

  • 24/7 drain services
  • n

  • Availability 365 days of the year
  • n

  • No Call Out Fee
  • n

  • Free Quotations
  • n

  • Friendly service
  • n

  • Guaranteed Work
  • n

  • 5-star rating
  • n

  • Peace of mind
  • n

If you need more information about our services, please get in touch with us today either by dropping us an email or calling on 0800 611 82 99. We will give you a free quote for all work carried out by our team of specialists. We also offer a 24/7/365 emergency service for any urgent repairs you may require.


Our friendly, knowledgeable staff are always happy to help! Learn more information about Unblock a Drain.

Drain Clearance Services Near Cardiff

Drains can become blocked at any time of the day or night and may need immediate attention, especially if they are at risk of flooding your home. That’s when you need drain unblocking services, fast.


Of course, if you are a keen DIYer, you may want to attempt the drain clearance yourself, but it is dirty, messy work, and if you don’t know exactly what you are doing, it can take a long time, and you are at risk of making the problem worse–even causing damage to your drainage system.

Drain Clearance Services Near Cardiff

If you want to get rid of your drainage problem quickly with minimal fuss and no risk of further damage, then our drain clearance services are the best option for you.


We have a team of well-trained professionals who are experienced and have extensive knowledge of the drain industry. They will perform all types of services, including cleaning, repairing, and maintenance for all types of drainage systems. The team members are highly skilled and certified in their respective areas to ensure that they deliver high-quality workmanship at affordable prices.


We offer same-day services at no additional charge and have engineers available 24/7 all year round.


When do you need drain clearance services?


Drainage services are usually required for one of two reasons:


  • Inside the house, the toilet, sink, or shower has become severely blocked: This may be due to something being put into the drainage system that shouldn’t be there. For example, small children love to play with water and often find the toilet bowl a perfect place to put their toys: Barbie dolls, lego, and small toy cars can find themselves stuffed around the u-bend, causing a blockage, and when the toilet is later flushed the bathroom floor gets flooded. It’s not just toys that can cause such a problem: sanitary products, wet wipes, nappy liners, and even cat litter can create a problem as they are flushed part way into the system and then cause a build-up.
  • n

That’s not all; consistent pouring of oil, grease, tea leaves, or coffee grounds down the kitchen sink or hair building up in the shower drain can also accumulate and eventually stop the water flowing.


And if any DIY work has been done in the home, such as re-tiling the bathroom or repairing walls with Polyfilla, washing out tools and buckets in the sink can create severe blockages when the grouting or Polyfilla sets.


  • After heavy rain and other weather events such as flooding and snow melt: drains may become blocked by silt buildup or debris from trees and plants in your garden, which then causes them not to work properly anymore due to too much water being prevented from draining away naturally.
  • n

Drain Clearance Services Guaranteed to Work


If you want to get rid of your drainage problems, then Pro Blocked Drains in Cardiff is the best option for you. We have a team of well-trained professionals that will offer you affordable and efficient drainage solutions.


Our company is a local business with over 20 years of experience in this field, so we know exactly what it takes to provide our clients with excellent results.


We provide 24/7 service, so you can contact us any time if you need help with any kind of drainage problem. Our friendly customer service representatives will answer all your questions about our services and give advice on how to solve them efficiently and affordably.


Our experts know how to tackle challenging projects and they provide services to both domestic sectors and commercial sectors. We can use CCTV camera surveys to locate the source and exact location of the problem, if necessary, and then use clearance techniques, such as drain jetting or whatever else if the most appropriate method to your needs.


We offer a 24-hour service because we understand that drains can become blocked at any time of the day or night and they need immediate attention our friendly and experienced engineers will be able to quickly identify the cause of your problem so that they can get on with clearing your drain or sewer pipes as soon as possible.


In most cases, this means that we can start working on your drainage issue within just 30 minutes of receiving your call – no matter what time of day it is!


Final Words


If you are looking for emergency drain unblocking services in your area, Pro Blocked Drains in Cardiff is the best option for you. With over 20 years of experience working with all types of drains and pipes throughout the UK, we have extensive experience in all types of drainage problems, and what’s more, we have engineers right on your doorstep.


We have a team of well-trained professionals who are experienced and have extensive knowledge of the drain industry. Our experts know how to tackle challenging projects and they provide services to both domestic sectors and commercial sectors. We offer a 24-hour service because we understand that drains can become blocked at any time of the day or night, and they need immediate attention.


If you have tried to unblock your sink or drain using either one of the homemade solutions or a commercial sink unblocker you’ve bought from the store, and are still suffering a blocked sink, then you need to call in the professionals who have other methods of sink unblocking available to them.


Our aim is always to solve your problem as quickly as possible without causing further damage or inconvenience along the way–we try our best not only because this saves time but also because it reduces costs by avoiding unnecessary repairs later down the line when there may be more complications involved!


With Pro Blocked Drains, we guarantee you:


  • Fully Qualified Safe Contractor Approved Workers
  • n

  • Quick Response Time
  • n

  • Full Indemnity Insurance
  • n

  • Competitive Prices
  • n

  • 24/7 drain services
  • n

  • Availability 365 days of the year
  • n

  • No Call Out Fee
  • n

  • Free Quotations
  • n

  • Friendly service
  • n

  • Guaranteed Work
  • n

  • 5-star rating
  • n

  • Peace of mind
  • n

If you need more information about our services, please get in touch with us today either by dropping us an email or calling on 0800 611 82 99. We will give you a free quote for all work carried out by our team of specialists.


We also offer a 24/7/365 emergency service for any urgent repairs you may require. Our friendly, knowledgeable staff are always happy to help! Learn more information about what to do with Burst Water Pipes.