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What To Do With Burst Water Pipes In Newport

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    If you have a burst water main in your property, you’ll need to act quickly and contact someone who can help. Your first port of call should be the local council: if there’s been a break in their infrastructure or pipes, they should come out and fix it ASAP.


    If this isn’t the case, then you may have an issue with your own plumbing system. Either way, it pays to get some advice on how best to move forward after such an incident.

    What To Do With Burst Water Pipes In Newport

    What to do when you have a burst water main

    Turn Off the Water Supply


    If you are able to turn off the water supply, do so immediately and let it sit for a few minutes. If you have an outdoor tap, such as one that leads to a sprinkler system or pool, leave that on until everything else is shut off.


    Otherwise, if there is any water running into your home (which there shouldn’t be), it will need to be turned off before attempting any repairs because it can seriously damage your floors and foundation by washing out any dirt below your home’s surface level and allowing water to seep in through cracks in your foundation walls.


    • Report the burst water main to the correct authorities and get help from the professionals
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    After turning off all of the house’s taps and sinks, you should contact either the local municipality or the private company responsible for providing drinking water.


    The water company is responsible for repairing burst mains on public land or roads, so in the first instance, phone your local water company to report the problem.


    They will send out someone from their emergency plumbing team to investigate and fix the issue as soon as possible. You will find their details on your water bill.


    Your local council also has responsibility for maintaining any pipes that run under public land or roads, so if a pipe has burst under your property, then you may need to contact them too so they can coordinate with the water company to get someone out there to repair a burst water main as soon as possible.


    If the burst water main has caused extensive flooding in your street, you should also notify the police. They can help with traffic control and assist in directing people away from your property as necessary.


    Finally, call a plumber! That’s right; this is their time to shine—and they’ll come running if you call early enough in the process of repair work (although it’s always good to have one on retainer).


    What to do if your neighbor has burst water main


    If your neighbor has burst water main, and they are not home to turn off the water, you need to act quickly to minimize the damage that can be caused.


    If your neighbor has a mains stopcock in the street or in their front garden, you may be able to turn the water off from here, but if you can’t access it, then you need to call emergency services immediately. This will ensure they are aware of the situation and prioritize attending to it if necessary.


    What can cause burst water main?


    Freezing temperature is a common cause of pipes bursting. In the winter, when the temperature drops below freezing, water in pipes can turn to ice, which, if you remember from school chemistry class, will expand.


    When this happens, the pressure on the pipe can cause it to split. Where possible, ensure your water pipes are lagged to prevent this from happening.


    High water pressure can weaken joints and cause leaks and even burst pipes. This leads to flooding and expensive damage to your home and property. Water companies do their best to regulate water pressure, but in areas where there are a lot of high-rise buildings or rural properties, pressure may need to be high so that water reaches to where it’s needed.


    The best way to prevent problems is to call in a plumber or professional who knows how to work with high-level water pressure situations. They can add a regulator to your home and keep it safe.


    Tree roots are notorious for causing burst water mains. Roots often travel twice the length of the tree’s height, so are likely to grow close to pipes.


    The answer is to keep trees trimmed to a reasonable height and not plant any close to water mains, and if you have any concerns about trees on common ground, call the council.


    Corrosion can cause thinning of pipes which can weaken them and cause them to burst under the water pressure. This is more likely to happen in homes with older pipes, so call a plumber to inspect their condition. These days, the main water inspection can be easily done using CCTV camera technology.


    Drainage pipe blockages can cause pipes to burst. Regular clearance, inspection, and maintenance will help to prevent this.


    Pro Blocked Drains have got you covered …


    We’ve got you covered, whether your problem is with burst water main in your own home or in the street outside. You can always reach out to us at Pro Blocked Drains in Newport. If you have any questions or concerns! We can help you out in an emergency or inspect your water system to ensure there are no problems waiting to happen.


    We are a nationwide network of plumbing specialists with over 20 years of experience working with all types of drains and pipes throughout the UK. We have a team of well-trained professionals who are experienced and have extensive knowledge of the drainage and water industry.


    Our experts know how to tackle challenging projects, and they provide services to both domestic sectors and commercial sectors. We offer a 24-hour service because we understand that emergencies can happen at any time of the day or night, and they need immediate attention.


    Our aim is always to solve your problem as quickly as possible without causing further damage or inconvenience along the way–we try our best not only because this saves time but also because it reduces costs by avoiding unnecessary repairs later down the line when there may be more complications involved!


    With Pro Blocked Drains, we guarantee you the following:


    • Fully Qualified Safe Contractor Approved Workers
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    • Quick Response Time
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    • Full Indemnity Insurance
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    • Competitive Prices
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    • 24/7 drain services
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    • Availability 365 days of the year
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    • No Call Out Fee
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    • Free Quotations
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    • Friendly service
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    • Guaranteed Work
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    • 5-star rating
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    • Peace of mind
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    If you need more information about our services, please get in touch with us today either by dropping us an email or calling on 0800 611 82 99. We will give you a free quote for all work carried out by our team of specialists. We also offer a 24/7/365 emergency service for any urgent repairs you may require.


    Our friendly, knowledgeable staff are always happy to help! Learn more information about Unblock a Drain.