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A Complete Guide To A Successful Drain Unblocker In Your Home

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    Drain unblockers are chemical products that unblock clogged wastewater drains or sewer pipes. It is important to use the drain unblocker to keep the sewage system working.


    It should be included in your household maintenance, as a blockage in the drainage system can cause a lot of fat, dirt, and buildup. The water flows back due to the blockage and can create a bad smell in the area.


    Many people will call a drainage engineer to remove the blockage in the drainage system if they cannot remove it themselves. If you want to try and remove the blockage yourself first and save money then you should use the correct industrial chemical products. To unblock sewer pipes many reactive chemicals are available in the market that you can use and can be bought from supermarkets.


    Here we will discuss some of the efficient drain unblockers guide with you and tell you how you can use them.

    Guide To A Successful Drain Unblocker In Your Home


    Drain Unblocker In Abergavenny: The 15 Minute Drain Unblocking Easy-To-Follow Tips


    To remove the drain blockage many cleaners are available in the market. You can use these cleaners to remove the blockage and debris from the drain pipes. People usually get confused about which drain unblockers they should use. They think for better cleaning they need to use costly cleaners but this is not true.


    This is because by using affordable cleaners you can easily remove the blockage from the drain pipes. The first solution is boiling water. This solution takes time, boiling water takes a lot of time to clear dirt and debris. You need to add the boiling water frequently for a smooth drainage system.


    But if you use the vinegar and baking soda solution then within 15 to 20 minutes, the blockage should clear. This is a harsh solution therefore it is better to use it with precaution.


    If your blockage is stubborn and will not disappear with baking soda and vinegar solution then you should use the quicker solution.


    You can use commercial drain unblockers to remove the blockage within minutes. However, it is important to read the label and all the instructions to make sure you don’t hurt yourself.


    Best Drain Unblocking Company In Abergavenny


    If you do not want to unblock the drain yourself or do not know how to do it, you can call the best drain unblocking in Abergavenny Pro Blocked Drains.


    Pro Blocked Drains is a well-known company serving customers all over the UK. The professionals of Pro Blocked Drains are 24 hours a day and round the clock available to serve you.


    The good thing about them is that this is the only company that comes under your budget and requirements. So if you want to hire a professional for blocked drains, do consider us.


    Unblock Blocked Drains With Household Products


    The drain unblocker is an efficient chemical that helps to remove the blockage in the drainage system.


    But you can enhance the efficiency of these chemicals by properly using them. To help you here we have mentioned a pro drain unblocker guide that you can use to remove the blockage in 15 minutes. So let’s review them.


    1. White Vinegar and Baking Soda


    The drainage is one of the main problems in the home. Therefore it is important to remove the blockage as soon as possible.


    Different ways are available to remove the clogged drainage. But the mixture of baking soda and white vinegar is highly reactive.


    This mixture is not available in the market but you can make it easily at home. Take 1 cup of white vinegar and add baking soda to it.


    This combination has the same effectiveness as the other chemicals. To get maximum benefits you can add this solution is the shower drain that has been blocked for some time.


    To get effective results in less than 20 minutes pour half a cup of baking soda with a half cup of distilled vinegar.


    Now leave this mixture for 20 minutes and then pour the hot water down the drain to remove the blockage.


    2. Commercial Drain Cleaners


    If your drain blockage is stubborn then you need a highly efficient solution than vinegar and baking soda. For this purpose in the market, many chemical cleaners are available.


    You can easily get the right cleaner in every market. It is better to get the chemical cleaners as they are easy to use and save the overall cleaning efforts.


    Therefore if you are busy with your work and do not have time to make the solution at home. You should buy commercial drain cleaners.


    But remember that these cleaners are harsh and can damage your health. So make sure to read the label and instructions before using them.


    3. Boiling Water


    You can remove shower blockages and soap scum by pouring boiling water and chemical cleaners. You can also flush all the debris from the pipelines with just boiling water.


    Moreover, if you pour boiling water regularly then you will have a smooth drainage system in your home.


    4. Use Plunger


    If you do not want to use the chemical unblocker then you should use the plunger. This is because using a plunger is a high rate of success.


    Some people thought using a plunger is an old-fashioned method but it is effective. For better cleaning, you should add petroleum jelly at the edge of the suction pad as it gives a better seal.


    5. Remove Blockage by Hand


    If you can locate the blockage in the drains then you should pull the clog out. To do so wear rubber gloves so that you can protect your hands from dirt.


    First, remove the cover of the drain and take a flashlight to look inside the drain. If you see the clog try to reach it with your fingers.


    Using hands to remove clogs from drainage is an efficient method as it does not cause any money.


    6. Coat Hanger Hook


    This is the oldest yet most effective method to clean a drain. If you try to reach the blockage with your hand but could not reach it then you should use the bent coat hanger.


    First, bend the wire to make sure it can fit down the plughole easily. To take out all the debris leaving the hook at the end.


    Unblock Sinks With Home Remedies


    If you can’t afford the commercial cleaners then you should follow these home remedies. The efficiency of these home remedies is the same as that of commercial cleaners.


    You need to make some effort to make these solutions at home. But do you know how to make a cleaning solution at home?


    If you do not know then this section is right for you. So continue to read as here we will discuss the 4 efficient home remedies that will make your work easy to clean the drainage pipes.


    1. Plunger Method


    For clogged drains, the plunger method is the best home remedy. Most homeowners have a plunger in the bathroom.


    But if you can’t find any plunger in the home then you can buy it from the local supermarket. The plunger is available at a low cost and works best with specific clogs.


    • First, make sure you do not have a flange plunger, to remove dirt and debris a cup-shaped plunger is better. You can choose between a handheld plunger and a full-length plunger.
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    • Before you begin the cleaning process, remove the metal strainer from the kitchen sink. If you want to remove a clog from the bathroom then pull up the stopper in the bathroom. This way you can make a strong seal with the plunger
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    • To remove the clog you can use sharp and fast movements. Make sure to check if this process works or not.
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    To Plunge properly you can use the following steps


    • Make sure to cover the complete drain with the plunger
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    • For almost 30 seconds press and pull the plunger in quick succession
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    • If the water starts to drain slowly then add some more water to the drain and continue to plunge
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    • If the water starts to drain at a fast rate then you are doing the plunging correctly
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    2. Boiling Water


    The second efficient home remedy is boiling water. If you have a clog in the bathroom and kitchen drain then you should use boiling water.


    But make sure the water is boiling so that it can dissolve the organic matter that gets stuck in the sink.


    With boiling water, you can remove the clog blockage that is made due to natural sources. If the clog is made due to feminine products or plastic items then you need to use the reactive solution.


    However, with the regular pouring of boiling water, you can make the drainage system smooth and remove all the blocks. Now, let’s see how you can use this boiling water to remove the blockage.


    • If you have PVC pipes then do not use boiling water. This is because boiling water can loosen the joints. Due to this extreme heat pipes get damaged and blockage problems become severe
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    • In addition, make sure not to pour boiling water into a porcelain sink bowl. The reason is that boiling water may cause cracks and you have to spend more money to repair the cracks
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    • Therefore it is better to pour boiling water directly into the drain with a kettle, funnel, or pot. In this way, you can avoid the damage and remove the blockage
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    3. Baking Soda and Vinegar


    If the clog doesn’t get removed then you can use the mixture of baking soda and vinegar. It is an efficient solution and can remove all types of drain blockages.


    The best part is that you can make this solution at home and save money. To prepare the mixture take equal amounts of baking soda and vinegar.


    For better results take 1 cup of baking soda and pour it directly into the drain. Wait for some time and then pour one cup of vinegar.


    Wait for 20 minutes so that both the elements can do their work efficiently. After 20 minutes pour the boiling water to run the solution down and make the water flow smooth.


    Make sure you do not add baking soda with the vinegar directly as in this way solution can react and you will get hurt.


    Also, do not mix water into the baking soda as the reactivity of soda will get decreased. You can use a pot or kettle to directly pour all the ingredients.


    4. Easy Tricks


    If the above tips do not help you to remove the drain blockage. Then you can use the following tricks as they are efficient and will make your work easy.



    • Dawn – If you don’t have vinegar or baking soda in the home then you can use the dawn dish soap to remove the cog. For a better water flow pour one cup of dawn soap into the toilet. Wait for 15 minutes until dawn does it work then pour the boiling water and see the magic
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    • Borax – Take 2 cups of boiling water and add ½ cup of borax to it. Pour this mixture directly into the clogged drain. Wait for 15 minutes and then run the freshwater to make the water flow smooth
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    • Alka Seltzer – You can easily buy the Alka seltzer tablets in the market. Drop tablet into the drain and after 5 minutes pour one cup of white vinegar. Now wait for 10 minutes and flush the drain with boiling water. With the help of Alka Seltzer, you can remove all the blockage
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    Best Abergavenny Drainage Engineers For Toilets And Many More

    Toilet blockage is a major problem in the home. Therefore it is better to get help from professional drain unblockers in Abergavenny.


    You can get help from one of the well-reputed drainage companies in Abergavenny i.e Pro Blocked Drains. Our professionals are 24 hours a day and round the clock available to serve the dearest clients.


    So if you are in search of the best drainage engineers in Abergavenny, your search can stop here at


    To Sum Up!

    If you notice any drain blockage in the home then it is better to unblock it as soon as possible. So that you can avoid the smell and dirt in the home or even a bigger problem in the future such as collapsed drains.