Pro Blocked Drains is a 24 hour a day, 365 days a year, emergency drainage company providing services for blocked drains. We have a network of local drainage experts covering the UK who can help you with your drain blockage problem.

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Best Drain Clearing Services in Fareham

Blocked drains are a homeowner’s nightmare as they prevent wastewater from being flushed away into the sewer. Often, the first hint you have of a drain blockage is a foul smell that seeps into every corner of your home.


If you ignore the smell and carry on running the taps or flushing the toilet, the next sign you have a blockage is when the drains overflow and flood your home, causing damage and sealing the smell in for weeks to come, and no amount of air freshener will clear the air!


Drains can become blocked very easily both inside and outside the house. Roots, leaves, soil, gravel, and grass cuttings can be washed into the outside drainage system during a rainstorm and it only takes a twig or stone to get caught in the pipe and everything else backs up behind it.

Best Drain Clearing Services in Fareham

The result is a flood into the garden which although messy is not as bad as a drain inside the house becoming blocked.


Greywater from sinks, showers, and washing machines, and blackwater from toilets, travel through the house to the sewer often through underfloor pipes or through the walls.


When this pipework gets blocked, it’s important to clear them quickly to prevent dirty water from backwashing and causing damage inside the house. Many things can block the drainage system: hair, oil, grease, and even children’s toys can be the culprit.


If you come home to your house in Fareham and find you have blocked drains, the easiest solution is to call in the professionals. But, if you have the time and inclination, you may want to try a home drain unblocker first.


Easy-To-Follow Tips For Unblocking Your Drain


On discovering you have a drain blockage, you will immediately want to take action and try to clear away the blockage yourself or want a drain unblocker who offers the best drain cleaning services. There are a few easy steps you can take to do this, which we will now look at.


1. Use Your Hands


When you can see the obstruction clearly, try to remove it with your fingers. Where the blockage is caused by hair or paper, etc., making a hook out of a bent metal coat hanger, or using something like a chopstick, will help you pull the debris out more easily.


Once you have cleared the drain, flush water through the system to check the flow is restored. It is always advisable to wear heavy-duty gloves to protect your hands from dirt (especially if the blockage is in the toilet system).


2. Use Boiling Water


Boiling water is effective for clearing away soap scum, mud, and if used alongside detergent, a small amount of grease or oil, and it is good practice to make a habit of flushing your drainage system with boiling water on a regular basis to help prevent blockages occurring.


However, care should be taken when using boiling water, not only to prevent the risk of scalding but also to prevent damaging your system: if you have PVC pipes, boiling water should never be used as it may loosen the joints in the pipework and create leaks.


Also, porcelain sink bowls may crack with extreme heat so you must take care to pour the water directly into the drain by using a jug or funnel to help you target the water correctly.


3. Use a Sink Plunger


All D.I.Y. stores sell cup-shaped plungers and it is worth buying one to keep under the sink. They come in two styles: the traditional plunger and a handheld pump plunger.


Both are easy to use and rely on you creating a tight seal around the edges of the suction pad to create a vacuum that will pull up the blockage once you start pumping the plunger. A good tip is to smear a little petroleum jelly around the edge of the suction pad to give a better seal.


It is important to cover the drain completely with the suction cup. Using a fast pumping action for 30 seconds may be enough to clear the blockage, but you should expect to repeat the action a couple of more times to be sure you have removed all the debris.


After using the plunger, flush the system with water to check it flows properly.


4. Use Baking Soda + Vinegar


Since the 18th century, the chemical reaction between baking powder and vinegar has been used for a variety of purposes. When mixed together they produce a strong reaction and carbon dioxide bubbles are formed.


It’s this reaction that can help remove a drain blockage by dislodging grime, grease, and other small debris, allowing you to flush them away through the drainage system.


It’s as effective as proprietary chemical cleaners but is also mildly corrosive so you must take care and protect your skin from irritation by wearing gloves.


To use, first pour baking soda directly into the drain. Wait for a while to allow it to be absorbed by the grime. Then pour into the drain an equal amount of vinegar (if you don’t have vinegar in the house, lemon juice will work too). As the alkaline and acid mix, you will see it ‌fizz as the chemical reaction happens.


After about 20 minutes, the mixture will have completed its work, and you can pour boiling water into the drain to flush away the solution and allow the water to flow smoothly. If the blockage is stubborn, you can repeat the process. n

5. Drain Snake


Often when too much tissue is flushed down a toilet, a blockage can occur some distance down the pipe and be difficult to reach. In these circumstances, using a drain snake will allow you to reach the blockage and bring it closer so you can remove it.


Available from D.I.Y. centers and plumbing stores, they are simple to operate either by hand twisting or attaching to a drill. You will need to remove the sewer cover to access the problem area and you should take care to wear protective gloves and a facemask as raw sewage has bacteria that could make you ill.


We recommend you also wear safety goggles to prevent any splashing of blackwater in your eyes.


If you need your toilet unblocked, it is best to call Fareham’s best drain unblocker as they have all the equipment and expertise to do the work quickly and efficiently, and without risking your health.


Fareham’s Best Drain Clearing Services Guaranteed To Work


Drain unblocking can be dirty, smelly, and time-consuming work always with a risk of making the situation worse if you don’t know what you’re doing, but if you live in Fareham, you don’t have to attempt the work yourself.


Pro Blocked Drains is a well-known company serving customers all over the UK and with an office in Fareham offering a 24-hour a-day service 365 days of the year. As drainage professionals, Pro Blocked Drains knows exactly how to find the problem and has all the skills and tools to resolve it quickly and efficiently.


With a fast response, fully qualified Safe-Contractor-Approved workers, no call-out fee, and excellent customer service, we guarantee satisfaction at a budget-friendly price.


So, next time you have a blocked drain in Fareham call us at any time of day or night on 0800 611 82 99 Learn more about the Water Mains in Bournemouth.

Burst Water Main in Southampton is No Laughing Matter

Coming home to a burst water pipe is every homeowner’s nightmare and while your kids may enjoy the fun of playing in the jet of water spurting from the water main, you worry about the damage to your property and the belongings you’ve worked so hard to get.


A burst water pipe in the house is no laughing matter, and it’s essential to get the problem sorted out straight away.


You can attempt to mend the burst water main yourself, or call in professional help, but before you decide, read to the end of this article and discover exactly why you may have a burst mains water pipe and what you can do to avoid it.

Burst Water Main in Southampton is No Laughing Matter

Why Does a Water Pipe Burst?


There are many reasons you can get a burst water pipe, and each one needs to be dealt with differently. To help you choose the right solution, we’ve listed the main reasons in order of regularity.


1. Freezing


If you’ve ever left a styrofoam mug of water outside on a cold winter’s night, you’ll have seen how the water freezes and expands, making the side of the cup bulge and the styrofoam threaten to split.


It’s the same when water freezes in a pipe, but the rigid pipework offers no room for the water to expand and pressure builds up inside the pipes and they burst, causing damage to the surrounding area and possible flooding.


To avoid this situation, we advise you to take precautions by:


  • Insulating the pipework
  • n

  • Keeping the house heated
  • n

  • Preventing cold drafts coming in from outside
  • n

  • Running the taps regularly to keep them clear of any ice build-up.
  • n

2. High Water Pressure


Pressure in the pipes can happen at any time of the year, not just in winter, and this high water pressure can also cause a water main burst.


Typically, this occurs because of:


  • Clogged pipes
  • n

  • High pressure from the utility company
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  • Improper adjustment of the pressure valves
  • n

If your mains water pipe has burst because of high water pressure, then you should take the following precautions.


  • Install a water pressure regulator
  • n

  • Adjust the water pressure valve
  • n

  • Replace the affected pipes
  • n

3. External Pressure


Mains water comes into your house through pipes buried underground, but external pressure on the pipes can damage them as they tend to be located much closer to the surface the closer they are to entering the house.


This makes them vulnerable to damage from heavy vehicles, landscaping work, or any DIY construction. It’s important to bear this in mind and take steps to protect the pipes from human activity.


How to Check for a Burst Water Pipe?


It’s not always obvious when you have a burst water main, as some leakages can come from compromised joints or small holes and water can seep out over time, gradually causing damage.


It is especially difficult to find the source of any leak when the pipework is inside the house and not easily accessible and you may not know you have a problem until you see damage to the walls, ceiling, or underfloor.


Checking the mains water pipework yourself is not easy and you will save a lot of time, money, and potential damage to your property if you call in a professional drain unblocker in Southampton to help survey your system to find the source of the leak.


The best company to contact in Southampton is Pro Blocked Drains which will offer you a fast response and expert service to identify the source of the problem and recommend the best solution.


It’s not always obvious that you have a water pipe leak in the house and the first sign you have any kind of problem may be when you notice your water bill is much higher than normal or you see water damage on the floor, walls, or ceiling.


You can take some simple steps to reduce the risk of water damage occurring by regularly checking the condition of your water system.


How to Check the Condition of Your Water System


  1. Check your meter reading by switching off all taps and appliances that use water and log the reading. Keep everything switched off for 2 hours, then read the meter again. The reading should be the same. If you see any difference between the two readings, then you know there is a leak in the mains water system.
  2. n

  3. Check your garden irrigation system is working properly by looking for any signs of visible leaks, sodden ground, dryness close to the end of the system, or dying plants. If you have an automatic system, check it switches on and off correctly before assuming you have a leak.
  4. n

  5. If your instant hot water boiler switches on when the taps are closed, check for leaky taps or dampness in the cupboard below the sink.
  6. n

  7. Regularly inspect pipe connections to taps and radiators for any water damage, leaks, mold, or dampness.
  8. n

  9. Any sign or smell of dampness in the house, or mold on walls, under carpets, and inside cupboards may often be caused by condensation, but if you are confident your house is well-ventilated and condensation is not the cause, then you may have a leaky pipe that needs to be investigated.
  10. n

  11. If you see dampness or a bulge in the ceiling, you may have a burst water pipe. Don’t try to release the water yourself as it could bring down the ceiling and cause a lot of extra damage. Call in Pro Blocked Drains who can advise you on what to do and help you resolve the problem with minimum disruption.
  12. n

If you notice any problem with your mains water system, the fastest and most cost-effective way to solve it is to contact Pro Blocked Drains.


With over 20 years of experience in providing drainage solutions and 24/7 support, this local Southampton family firm will give you peace of mind, an accurate diagnosis, and excellent customer service.


How to Deal With a Burst Water Main in Southampton


Before you call in the professionals, there are some steps you can take to control burst water main yourself.


1. Locate the Leaking Pipe


Often, it is easy to see where a pipe is leaking, especially those located in cupboards, running to radiators, or at ground level, and you may see water dripping or pooling at the problem area, or even hear the water spraying out.


The difficulty comes when the pipes are behind walls, in ceilings, and underfloor, as often you can’t pinpoint the exact location of the source of the problem.


Dampness at the joints between drywall panels will indicate the approximate location of the leak, but bulging panels caused by water build-up, or creeping dampness may have their source some distance away as water can travel along a joist to the opposite end of the house.


2. Turn Off the Water Valves


As soon as you discover a leak in your water system, turn off the mains water to prevent further risk of damage. You will normally find an internal stop tap under the kitchen sink, under the stairs, or in the downstairs toilet.


There will also be an external stop tap in the driveway, garden, grass verge, or under the public footpath.


Once the water has been turned off, the flow will stop and the leak can be safely repaired without risk of flooding.


3. Use a Pipe Repair Clamp


If the damage to the pipe is small, you may be able to repair it simply by applying a repair clamp which you can either buy from a D.I.Y. store or make at home with a strip of rubber and some pipe-sleeve clamps, hose clamps, or C-clamps.


You must follow the fitting instructions exactly and make sure the clamps are properly tightened to prevent the leak from reappearing. If you are in any doubt about the quality of the repair, call Pro Blocked Drains to give you an assessment and a free quotation for a professional repair.


4. Apply Epoxy Putty


Another method of making a temporary repair is applying epoxy putty to the leaking joint.


It will get you through the emergency and enable you to switch your water back on, but water is insidious and if there is the slightest error in your application of the putty, the leak may return so always call in a professional to make a permanent repair.


Repairing a Burst Water Main In Southampton Guaranteed To Work


The best way to repair burst water main and be confident it will work is to call in Pro Blocked Drains professionals. With a local office in Southampton, this reputable and reliable company offers fast call-out and 24/7 support.


Using state-of-the-art equipment, Pro Blocked Drains will locate the source of the leak and repair it quickly and efficiently to get your house back to normal. We guarantee you a job well done, excellent customer service, high quality of work, and peace of mind for drain clearing services.


Final Words…


Having burst water main is never a pleasant experience, but with help from Pro Blocked Drains, you can resolve your water leak quickly and prevent damage to your property.


Whether you have a leak now or simply want to guard against any future problems, Pro Blocked Drains offers you:


  • Fully Qualified Safe Contractor Approved Workers
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  • Quick Response Time
  • n

  • Fully Insured Professionals
  • n

  • Competitive Prices
  • n

  • 24-hour blocked drain or water main system repair services
  • n

  • No Call Out Fee
  • n

  • Free Quotations
  • n

  • 5-star rating
  • n

  • Peace of Mind
  • n

Contact us today, at 0800 611 82 99 to book a survey of your drainage system or keep our number somewhere safe and ready for the day you need our help. Learn more about Best Drain Clearing Services in Fareham.